Glimmer Of Hope? Kazuki, Riku, And Yatoshi Join The Battle!

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                                With all the tides turned against Hokorii and Akihito, Masuko watches closely and examines Hokorii's next move. "What will you do now? I've taken all of your allies and cut your reinforcements out of this area. Just give up and step aside Hokorii." Masuko thought. Raaza and Masuko became surrounded by mana and then it vanished and Masuko's Enchant was now back on his finger as he walked towards Hokorii and stopped. "Give up, I've no intent on killing any civilians nor Royal Knights. I only came for the King and to change this Kingdom. If you keep fighting we both know the outcome. You're strong so I'll give you that." Masuko said. "You only came for the King huh? As The Royal Knight Captain, my job is to protect that King, the citizens, and this Kingdom. So I can't allow you to do that!" Hokorii yelled.
                               "You don't see it now but your King is wicked, rotten, fueled by greed. You ever wondered why only the wealthy attend events? You ever wondered why only the strong are allowed to become Royal Knights? You ever wondered why your King has never allowed you to enter the lower parts of the Kingdom? It's because that's where all the weak, feeble, ill, poor people live. They dwell each day in the abandoned ruins or barely suitable houses each day. It's truly a sickening sight to see. That's why he's allowing this battle to happen down here. It's because there's nowhere he'd rather have a war than down at the bottom of this disgusting cliff." Masuko angrily said. 
                               "He's right, I never wondered about those things. Is my King truly that kind of guy?" Hokorii asked. "Yes, indeed he is. Tsuyoi The Almighty, I found him running from Royal Guards who shot poisoned arrows at him. I helped him out and asked why they were doing it and he told me it was because he didn't see eye to eye with your King. Tsuyoi didn't believe what your King believed in. For that, he was ordered to be shot dead. He wouldn't be alive if I weren't there for him then. Kurei Unasaki, she lived in poverty all her life. Her parents sold her off into slavery because they saw her as just another mouth to feed. She was auctioned fifteen times before encountering me. She was in critical condition from all the abuse she received, mentally and physically. It was only from meeting me where she found true peace from within herself.
                              We can bring that same peace to this accursed Kingdom." Masuko told Hokorii. Kurei walked next to Masuko, dragging Tsuyoi along with her. She looked at Masuko and he looked back and she nodded. They both began to glow and Masuko switched his Enchant with Kurei and Kurei switched her Enchant with Masuko. Kurei began to glow again, this time a forest green color as she placed her hand upon Tsuyoi's shoulder and healed him. Tsuyoi stood up. "Thank you for healing me Kurei." Tsuyoi said. "Ahhh don't mention it big guy." Kurei said back with a soft smile. Masuko and Kurei switched their Enchants back to normal now.
                             "We want to help everyone who's struggling and not satisfied with their lives. The strong step and look down on the weak, the wealthy are cruel and only care about themselves. I bet they'd even sell their own child if it meant making money. Will you stop this fighting and allow us to change this Kingdom?" Masuko said. "Heh...I can't doubt what you're saying but it does sound like it's the truth judging by the tone of your voice and your expression while talking about it. But, I cannot allow you to attack this Kingdom any further!" Hokorii yelled while running towards Masuko. Raaza jumped in front of Masuko and swung his sword, Hokorii swung Revenant and shattered Raaza's sword. "Hokorii shattered Raaza's sword! When he's back to normal I can just conjure him another one." Akihito thought. 
                               Hokorii roared as he still swung Revenant which hit Raaza and Hokorii swung him to the ground. "Well it looks like he's done, Kurei! Tsuyoi!" Masuko said. Kurei and Tsuyoi jumped in front of Masuko, Kurei armed herself with two dark pink mana blades and Tsuyoi got into a fighting stance, Akemi armed herself with her whip behind them and walked in the middle and they all attacked Hokorii at once. "D-Damn it! Akemi's being powered up constantly by her Enchant, that Ogre is physically strong, and this girl has crazy speed and agility! I don't know how long I can keep up!" Hokorii thought. "Hey! What are you doing to our Captain!" A man yelled. Another yelled. "They're the enemy we've heard about!" And another yelled. "If that damned barrier hadn't gotten in our way we would've been here sooner." "I told you not to go ahead of us, Captain." Takashi said. "T-Takashi!? The reinforcements are finally here!" Hokorii yelled. 
                                Masuko looked at the sky and saw 3 people floating in the air. "They're the ones that must've opened my barrier. Their mana is strong and so pure, who could they be?" Masuko thought. "Kazuki, the only people I notice here are Raaza, Akihito, and that girl who attacked the other day. But everyone else is an ally, how do you want to go about this?" Riku asked. "Well, we'll just attack and defeat whoever the enemy is." Kazuki responded. "Straight to the point huh? Well let's go." Riku said. Kazuki began descending down along with Riku. "Right." Kazuki said. "You two feel that? That man's mana pressure is immense. We need to be careful." Yatoshi said. "Yeah, I felt it as soon as we got here. I want him." Kazuki said seriously. "I can tell, you haven't taken your eyes off of him ever since we got here." Riku said. "I'll assist you in taking him out." Yatoshi told Kazuki. "Judging by his mana, it'll take all we have against him to take him out, even with all of our training." Kazuki said. 
                                Riku and Yatoshi agreed. Masuko looked Kazuki right in the eyes as Kazuki unsheathed Dawnbreaker. Yatoshi and Riku pulled out their Enchants too. "Perfect Reality!" Riku said as he pulled out the spear sword on his back. "Hmph, Willbreaker." Yatoshi said as his mana formed into a scythe. "You there! State your name, I'm curious about you the most." Masuko yelled out to Kazuki. "My name is Kazuki Hiroyuki. If you don't mind me asking, what do you find interesting about me?" Kazuki said staring fiercely into Masuko's eyes. "Your mana is so strong yet, so pure and calm. I've never seen a mana such as yours before, where did you come from?" Masuko asked. "All three of us came from the Fairy Forest, I've been there training all this time. It's a shame that I had to come back to see this Kingdom like this and Raaza lying on the ground over there. What's your business here anyway?" Kazuki said. 
                               Masuko gave Kazuki a slight smile and said. "We're going to bring peace to this Kingdom for once and forever."

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