Aida's Enchant!

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            With Kazuki and Riku making an alliance with the Fairy race, they start their training to be able to one day change the Kingdom of Karoshi into a land where fairies can dwell and live happily with the other races. 

            "I'll select you to be my squire, you look like you could be pretty useful. For my back up that is." Akemi said. "R-Right!" Aida responded back. "You have chosen Aida Hanazaki as your squire! I hope she's able to cooperate well with you Akemi." King Karoshi said while smiling. "I didn't ask for your input old man. Come on Aida! We've got business to do." Akemi said. Aida followed closely behind her. Akemi led Aida to the Enchant Area, around this time Riku and Kazuki were already gone with their Enchants. "Strong, young, fine female you are. I wonder which Enchant shall be bestowed upon you miss." The Wizard said. 
           "Back up old man! You don't have to be so close!" Akemi yelled while gripping his collar tightly and lifting him slightly off the ground. "R-Right. Miss, will you please step onto that circle there?" The Wizard said. "Right." Aida said. "If it doesn't work I'll kill you Aida." Akemi said. "This woman's completely crazy! All I have to do is get my Enchant. This should be easy...I hope." Aida thought as she stepped onto the circle. A calm lavender blush purple surrounded Aida in a small wave and manifested itself onto Aida's neck, creating a necklace with a purple charm on it. "Ahhhh, so that's your Enchant huh young miss?" The Wizard said after he broke from the grip of Akemi who was distracted with Aida's Enchant awakening. 
           "It's just a necklace, what does it do?" Aida asked while tapping her Enchant. "It's a object Enchant, you can't take it off and it's ability you'll have to figure out on your own miss." The Wizard. "That barely answers her question at all old man!" Akemi said while kicking at The Wizard. "I promise that's all I know!" The Wizard yelled. Aida and Akemi began walking to the market area. "This place looks beautiful at night." Aida thought. "Pick out what you want, here." Akemi said while handing her a bag of gold. "That's a lot of money! So this is how rich the Royal Guards are." Aida thought while grabbing the bag. 
          As Aida began shopping she bought herself a short sword and a bow. "What would you need a bow for?" Akemi asked. "Well, what if my enemy is far away? And I'm pretty skilled in swordsmanship and archery." Aida said. "I see. Well don't take too long, and get yourself some armor of some sort too." Akemi said. "Right." Aida responded. Aida really liked these gauntlets with small mirrors on them. "These are nice! And they'll make me look stylish as I defeat my opponent!" Aida thought. "300 silver coins ma'am." The Merchant said. Aida handed him 2 gold coins and he gave her the gauntlets. "I wonder how durable these mirrors actually are, can't have them breaking mid-fight." Aida thought to herself while pressing her thumb slightly against the mirror. Her thumb went straight through the mirror as her Enchant started to lightly glow. "Did I break it?" Aida thought as she pulled her thumb back to reveal that the mirror was just fine.
           She pressed her thumb against the mirror again and her Enchant lit up as her thumb went straight through the mirror. "C-Could this be the power of my Enchant?!" Aida thought. "What're you doing over there Aida?" Akemi asked while walking to her. "I think I discovered the power of my Enchant!" Aida yelled while holding the gauntlet to Akemi. "Is that so? Does it involve this gauntlet?" Akemi asked. "Not necessarily, I think it just involves this mirror." Aida said. "Well demonstrate your ability then. "Right!" Aida yelled while smiling and pressing her thumb against the mirror. Her thumb went through the mirror and her Enchant lit up once more as she turned to Akemi for approval. 
            "Soooo?" Aida asked. "That's it?" Akemi asked. Aida froze up and said "Not sure yet." "Someone get me a big mirror right now!" Akemi yelled. Moments later, a man brought a big mirror to Akemi and Akemi placed it infront of Aida, many people surrounded them and stared at them. "We sure did attract a lot of people..." Aida thought. "Well? What're you waiting for?" Akemi asked. Aida walked to the mirror and her Enchant started to glow, she then jumped into the mirror. "Woah, what is this place? It's completely different from the outside." Aida thought as she walked around. Aida swung her hand and a number of different mirrors presented themselves infront of her. "There are different areas in each one, can I step into them as well?" Aida thought. "Show me what Kazuki Hiroyuki is doing!" Aida yelled and a mirror appeared infront of her and Kazuki was sound asleep. 
              "Well, it's nice to know that he's safe and okay. We haven't seen each other since he left the Granting Area." Aida thought. "Aida! I'm not sure if you can hear me or not but can you come out of there?!" Akemi yelled into the mirror. Aida turned around and ran towards the start of the mirror and jumped out. "I'm here!" Aida yelled. "Good, have you figured out the full extent of your ability?" Akemi asked. "Yeah, I found out some of my power, not really sure if it's all though." Aida responded. "Well, with what you do know, make sure it's useful against the enemies we'll encounter." Akemi said. "Right!" Aida responded. "And what in the hell are all of you still standing around here for? This isn't some kind of play y'know!" Akemi yelled as all the people around ran away and continued to shop.
               "Honestly, I'm quite glad I chose you to become my squire. We'll work hard together and conquer every enemy that decides to show their claws to us!" Akemi yelled. "Are you with me Aida Hanazaki?" Akemi asked as she looked at Aida with a proud menacing smile. "Do I really have a choice?" Aida asked. Akemi folded her arms and yelled "Not at all squire!".

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