Eriya and Darasu's Ultimate Stand! Kazuki's Second Wind!

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                             Eriya and Darasu were at the top of the sky island above Radahn and Kazuki. 

Eriya: Darasu, we can't just sit by! We have to do something! 

Darasu: What could we do against Radahn? 

Eriya: *Walks around and takes a deep breath* Hey.. you remember that technique that Areiku used? 

Darasu: The one we tried to learn? You know we were never able to master it fully right?

Eriya: I know... but,  it's the only chance we have to even compete against Radahn. 

Darasu: Right, we'll try it!


                            Amanda and Suzaku flew through the air and back into the battlefield, the orb shined brightly as it caught the attention of Radahn. Kazuki sensed their mana and looked up at them in the sky, flying straight towards him. 

Suzaku: *Reaches her hand down* KAZUKIIII!!! GRAB MY HAND!!!

Kazuki: *Reaches hand up* 

Radahn: *Stares at the orb* (Could that be-?) 

                            Suzaku and Kazuki locked hands as he was pulled into the air and onto the manaray, Amanda smirked as she looked back. 

Amanda: Welcome back, Kazuki! 

                             Kazuki smiled at her and then his head fell on Suzaku's back, the manaray was flying back up to the sky island when Radahn leaped into the air with a giant sword in his hand. 


                               Radahn began to fly towards them when suddenly an explosion came from the island followed by roaring. 

Eriya and Darasu: *Flying towards Radahn with their hands connected* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

                               Radahn looked up at them as they crashed into him, tackling him back to the ground. He wasted no time and got back up, wiping his head. 

Radahn: Get the HELL OUT OF MY WAY! *Swungs sword* 

                                Radahn's sword crashed into the ground as his aura traveled towards them, ripping the ground apart. Eriya and Darasu looked at each other, smirked, and jumped into the air. Lava formed around Eriya's hands as he shot lava balls at Radahn, Darasu snapped his fingers and a thin gray line trickled towards Radahn and when it made contact with Eriya's lava, it exploded. The explosion pushed Radahn back a little, he looked up to see Eriya charging at him with his lava spear. 

Radahn: (They have the same ability as that brat from long ago. I'll have to get through them to make it to that orb!) *Smirks* (Why has my past come back to haunt me?) 

                               Eriya roared as he kicked Radahn's chin and threw his spear at Radahn's feet, covering it in lava. Darasu charged behind him and slid on the ground, reaching Radahn feet where he placed his hand on the lava and it exploded. Radahn stumbled as he tried to retaliate by swinging his giant sword at them but Eriya jumped over it and Darasu ducked. Eriya covered his feet with lava and kicked Radahn in the chest, following up behind, Darasu stood up and punched Radahn's chest, making him explode again. 
Radahn: (Their agility is superior to the Royal Knight's, they even have good chemistry. This combined magic of their's that cause me to explode is also exeptional. They would've made great warriors in my village.) 

                                Very quickly, Eriya covered both of his hands in lava and delivered a flurry of punches to Radahn, all over his body, as he jumped out of the way. The lava slowly burned him and Radahn swung his sword at him again, barely missing as Darasu came from below and punched Radahn in the same spots Eriya did. Causing all of them to explode one after the other. Darasu backed up to where Eriya was standing and smirked. 

Eriya: *Smiles proudly* Nice job, little brother. 

Darasu: Let's keep this up! 

Eriya: Right! 

                                 Radahn's eyes filled with anger and excitement as he stared them both down, His grin grew into a vicious smile. 

Radahn: *Points at them* You two are related to that one guy I killed the last time I was here right? He had the same power as you two but he could do them all on his own, *Looks at Eriya* his lava was hotter than yours, *Looks at Darasu* his explosions were stronger, he also had the same tattoos you two have. Could he have been your father? No, he was too young... Oh! I know, he was your BROTHER wasn't he? 

Darasu: *Eye twitches* 

Radahn: It seems that was it. He was the strongest warrior your village has ever produced! His fight with me was EXTRAORDINARY! Though, I was weaker then. I would've killed him with one blow if he were to face me now. I should've kept him alive just to see if he'd improve by now, I didn't know Kazuki would be dragged back here with me though. Them fighting together against me would've TRULY been a FIGHT TO SEE! 

Darasu: Hey you gonna shut the hell up or FIGHT!? *Rushes at Radahn* 

Eriya: *Reaches out to him* DARASU, WAIT! 

                                  Darasu ran at Radahn at full speed, Radahn was laughing mockingly. Suddenly, Radahn opened his mouth and a beam of his mana shot towards Darasu, completely burning his left arm to nothing. Darasu screamed in pain as he fell to the ground, Eriya shouted his name in horror. 

Eriya: *Runs towards Darasu as tears fell from his face* DARASUUUUUUU!!!

                                 Radahn appeared infront of Darasu in an instant with a mana sword in his hand, faster than Eriya could get there as he looked up at him and smiled ear to ear. Darasu looked up at Radahn and accepted his fate. 

Darasu: (Sorry, Eriya... you won't have to worry, I'll be with big brother.) 

                                 Eriya yelled out as Radahn lifted his sword into the air, he watched as Radahn vanished once more, this time though, there was a giant dirt trail that was at the side of Darasu. As the dust cleared, a familiar blue aura glowed brightly as Kazuki stood over Eriya. 

Darasu and Eriya: (K-Kazuki!?) 

                                  Kazuki looked down and smiled at Darasu, his attentioned quickly shifted to Radahn who began to stand back up. His smile instantly shifted into a face of hatred. 

Radahn: *Wipes blood from his head* (...I-Is this my blood?) *Quickly shakes head and looks at Kazuki and laughs* YOU'RE DEAD!!! 

                                 Radahn dashed at Kazuki, Darasu and Eriya watched as Kazuki also seemed to vanish.  Blue lightning zipped through the sky, Darasu could only see sparks heading towards Radahn.

Kazuki: (I feel so... light.) HYAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! 

                   Kazuki drove his foot right into Radahn's chest and roared as his blue aura shrouded off of him, lightning struck the ground as Kazuki sent Radahn flying. Radahn skipped through and across the ground, he crashed through several trees and eventually was at the edge of the island. 

Radahn: *Quickly getting up and shaking his head* (No! Did he just-!?) RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!! *Flies towards Kazuki* 

Kazuki: (He's coming.) Eriya! Take Darasu to the sky island NOW! 

                    As Eriya picked up Darasu, Kazuki vanished again and clashes filled the sky. Kazuki's blue aura formed into whiplashes, Radahn's mana did the same. Their clashes were so violent that they tore the ground apart. Eriya and Darasu watched in concern as they couldn't really tell what was happening. Eriya wrapped Darasu's arm around his shoulder and jumped into the air, since they were making contact, they channeled the explosions to their feet and began flying up to the sky island, using their explosions as boosts. 

                    For an instant, Eriya saw Radahn's afterimages throughout the sky. One of them appeared directly infront of them and it looked at them before clashing with one of Kazuki's afterimages. Eventually, they made it to the sky island where Amanda and Suzaku sat there watching the battle. 

Amanda: *Notices them and runs towards them* DARASU! YOUR ARM! 
                    Suzaku followed closely behind as Eriya slowly dropped Darasu on the ground. 

Eriya: *Looks away* Kazuki stepped in and saved us. Radahn would've killed us. Did we do good, mother?

Amanda: *Cries* Y-You're alive! You two did amazing! *Hugs them both* 

Suzaku: *Smiles, looks out onto the battlefield, and looks up at the rift infront of the moon* (This really is our last chance to go home.) *Smirks* Heh... I'm going down there!

Amanda: *Looks back at Suzaku* Are you sure? 

Suzaku: *Walks out onto the edge of the sky island and looks at the battlefield and smiles* Yeah.



                   Radahn's aura shrouded around his arm as he gave Kazuki a viscious smile as he roared and swung his arm, creating a giant wall of his mana that destroyed everything it came into contact with. Kazuki darted away from it, flying over it and punched Radahn in the face. Radahn recovered mid-punch and grabbed Kazuki's arm and threw him into his mana wall. Kazuki yelled out in pain before he looked up and Radahn punched him through the mana wall and he crashed into the ground. Kazuki heavily breathed as his blue mana began to surround him again and his armor began to rebuild itself and fully cover him again.
                   Kazuki looked up and the sky began to grow dark around him, he locked eyes with Radahn and smirked as the darkness covered the area. Radahn chuckled to himself as he landed on the ground that was now completely dark. Kazuki got up and looked around, he closed his eyes and smiled as he sensed a familiar aura walking behind him. 

Kazuki: You know it's dangerous for you to be here right? 

Suzaku: *Walks up to the side of him and smirks* Couldn't let you fight this one alone anymore.

Kazuki: Right, *Faces forward* he's coming. Get ready! 


                    Suzaku's Darkness Dweller was dispersed into the air as Radahn stood infront of them, smirking. 

Radahn: Ahh, my descendent has joined this battle. You'd better be on your best, any attack from me would squash you LIKE A BUG!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!! 

                      Radahn roared as his aura grew bigger as it began to push Suzaku back, shrouding off him in huge waves. Suzaku looked up at Kazuki who stood there, still smirking. 

Kazuki: *Looks over at Suzaku* We're gonna take this guy down!

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