Battle of Strength! Riku Vs Tsuyoi!

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                             "Yatoshi made quick work of that woman, good job!" Riku thought as he flew away from Tsuyoi. Yatoshi stood over Kurei and then flew over to the reinforcements and offered to heal them. "Help from a fairy?! T-This is absurd!" Takashi thought. Yatoshi began spreading his mana around the reinforcements and it began to strengthen them. "So this is the power of a fairy?" A Royal Knight thought. "I am the Fairy Prince, Yatoshi Ito. I've come to assist you in your battle with these villains." Yatoshi said. "T-The fairy prince?!" Takashi thought. "Now that they're taken care of, I'll focus all my attention on destroying this guy!" Riku thought as he flew towards Tsuyoi and thrusted Perfect Reality. "Fighting a man with no weapons?! Have you no honor?" Tsuyoi yelled. 
                               "Fine, I won't fight you with Perfect Reality. I'll use my own strength." Riku said as he stopped his attack and Perfect Reality formed on his back. "There's some spirit you've got there! Come at me!" Tsuyoi roared as wind began coming off him in waves. "This wind pressure, things are about to get exciting!" Riku thought as a smile stretched across his face. Riku flew towards Tsuyoi and landed three hits which stunned him but, Tsuyoi had already regained his footing and smashed his fists into the ground which cause a shockwave. "I won't defeat him with my fists alone, I guess I'll just do this!" Riku thought as he jumped in the air, avoiding the shockwave. Riku's mana began forming around his body until it only surrounded his hands. "Mana manipulation was a success!" Riku thought as he flew down and punched Tsuyoi into the ground. Blood bursted out of Tsuyoi's mouth as he was hit by Riku. 
                                "Hmph! I know that isn't all you got!" Riku yelled. "Heh, not at all!" Tsuyoi yelled back. Riku smiled fiercely as he watched Tsuyoi rise back to his feet. "Tsuyoi seems to be enjoying himself, Kurei has fallen to that fairy. I'll make sure that doesn't happen to Tsuyoi." Masuko thought. Masuko's amber aura formed into a giant battleaxe and he threw at Tsuyoi. "H-He's giving me a weapon?! I'll good use of it!" Tsuyoi thought as he caught the battleaxe. "Using weapons now are we?! Heh, guess this means I can show you the power of Perfect Reality!" Riku said as he smiled and grabbed Perfect Reality. "Show me what you're made of kid!" Tsuyoi roared as he ran towards Riku and swung his battleaxe. "Right!" Riku said as he blocked the attack with Perfect Reality and thrusted it at Tsuyoi. A dark green mana formed around Tsuyoi and stopped Perfect Reality from touching him. "Heh, I'm not that skilled in mana but, I can form my mana around me like an armor!" Tsuyoi said as he swung the battleaxe down which caused Riku to jump back and evade the attack. 
                               -Riku started to laugh and yelled. "There's nothing I can't break through! Hahah!" 
                                   Riku grew up in the less fortunate parts of the Kingdom, everyone around Riku's estate suffered greatly and Riku's father was rarely home because he was a swordsmith. Riku's father would stay away for weeks, sometimes even a month. Riku's brother Hajime was the elder sibling and Hajime would beg Riku's father Yamajuro to stay and teach them both martial arts. Yamajuro would teach them this because he needed them to protect their mother Ruka who was very ill. Ruka had a very strong will, she'd force herself to stand to encourage Hajime and Riku to study more, seeing her devotion they always complied. "Hajime and Riku, I'm going off again to forge weapons for the Kingdom again. Take care of your mother for me." Yamajuro said with a big smile as he rubbed both of their heads. Hajime and Riku said. "Right!" And Yamajuro left the house. Ruka was asleep when this happened, Hajime often studied while Ruka was asleep so Riku would prepare the food. "Mother! Hajime! The food is done!" Riku said with a big smile. 
                                "Great! Hand me mother's bowl, I'd like her to be the first to eat." Hajime said while smiling. Riku agreed and handed a bowl to Hajime. He filled the bowl with the food Riku made and handed it to Ruka. "T-Thank you Riku and Hajime...I know it's going to be delicious!" Ruka said while smiling. As Ruka held the spoon to her mouth she dropped it and started to cough up blood, this horrified Riku and Hajime. "Mother! Don't push yourself too hard! Riku, get a cloth quickly!" Hajime yelled. Riku ran to the cabinets and pulled out a long cloth and handed it to Hajime. "Thanks! Here mother, I'll wipe your mouth with this cloth." Hajime said as he began cleaning up the wasted food and blood. Ever since that day, Riku has been trying ways to get money to help his mother get real medical care and people that would treat her illness better. Riku eventually caught the interest of a home of chef who offered him a job and a place to live in order to further his education in preparing all types of food. 
                                Riku was 14 when he left the lower parts of the Kingdom. "I'll be leaving now! Tell father where I'm going and that he doesn't need to worry about me! I'll miss you mother and Hajime!" Riku yelled as he was being taken away in a fashionable carriage. Ruka stood up and waved her son good-bye while Hajime held on tight to her to make sure she wouldn't fall. Riku teared up at the sight of this but could do nothing but smile. As Riku entered his new home he looked around in amazement. "Wow! This place looks better than anywhere I've ever been! So this is what the Upper Kingdom is like!" Riku thought. "This is where you'll be staying, hope you can make good use to us." A noble said as he walked out of the house. "G-Good use? Just who does he think he's talking to?! Nevermind him, I have to do this for mother." Riku thought. Serving the nobles was hard and learning from them was even harder. They often mocked Riku for not being of royal status, Riku soon grew tired of it and ran away, back to his home. "I'm done with them making a fool of me! If I had enough power I'd make them pay!" Riku thought as he kept running. 
                              Riku bursted into the door and was met with the smell of a foul odor and blood was spilled all over the floor. Riku's eyes opened to see Hajime lying on the ground, lifeless along with his mother and father. Ruka was not injured herself, there was no scratch on her. Hajime had a knife in his stomach and Yamajuro's neck was slit open. "T-This can't be...they're all dead!" Riku yelled as his purple mana began growing darker. Since that day, Riku has cooked for people because he knows that it was something that always brought his family happiness and he always hated the nobles for not having the right equipment to properly treat his mother...
                             "-There's nothing I can't break through! Hahah!" Riku laughed as he formed mana around Perfect Reality and thrusted it at Tsuyoi again. This time it broke through Tsuyoi's mana shield and penetrated his armor. Tsuyoi flew back from the impact. "It's about time I wrap this up! Perfect Reality! Riku yelled. Tsuyoi stood up in a daze and stood there, doing nothing. "It worked!" Riku yelled. Riku began walking towards Tsuyoi and then he formed mana around his hand and drove Tsuyoi into the ground. "I've won! Hahahah!" Riku yelled.


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