New Adventure Begins! The Warlock Castle Arc!

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               Earthquakes have begun to shake the island... This very same rumbling has started to affect the Kingdom Of Karoshi. Since the defeat of Masuko Shizukesa these earthquakes have been happening frequently and at random, some worse than others. King Karoshi has located where the energy and waves start at, he's assigned 3 Royal Knight groups to investigate and potentially stop these earthquakes from happening or getting any worst. Kazuki and Riku went back to the Fairy Forest to train more before their mission, their magical power has grown a lot since their victory against Masuko, but, Kazuki still isn't sure what that dark mana he feels truly is and fears it would hurt those around him if it grows any stronger...

              "HYAAAAAAH!" Riku yelled as he swung Perfect Reality towards Kazuki. "Too slow!" Kazuki yelled as he ducked and leg sweeped Riku, as Riku fell he looked Kazuki right in the eyes and smiled proudly as Kazuki did the same. Kazuki placed his hands on the ground and launched himself in the air and flew down with a kick to Riku. Fairies stood around, watching the fierce sparring match between the two friends. Riku slid back from the impact and lunged towards Kazuki, drawing his hand back for a heavy punch. Before Kazuki could get back on his feet Riku punched straight towards the ground as Kazuki put his arms up to block. This attack drove Kazuki straight through the ground. "Heh! How ya like that?!" Riku asked with a smile. Riku's smile quickly vanished when a blue aura shot out of the ground and Kazuki slowly floated out of the ground and Dawnbreaker flew around him. "Hahah! Guess we're taking this up a notch are we?" Riku said as his lilac purple aura shrouded his body and Perfect Reality formed in his hand. 
            "Let's do this, Riku!" Kazuki yelled. "Don't have to tell me twice!" Riku responded back as he flew towards Kazuki and Kazuki flew towards Riku. They both fiercely yelled, "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Before swinging their Enchants and clashing with each other. This attack created a shock wave that pushed the spectating fairies back and the trees around almost were torn out the ground. Their mana exploded and sent both of them flying back to the ground and created a small crater under them. "WOWWWWWW! THAT WAS SO COOL!" A fairy yelled with stars in his eyes. "EVERYTIME THEY SPAR IT GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS!" Another fairy yelled. "Hey, Kazuki! You alright over there?" Riku asked with a smile. Kazuki looked up at the sky and just started laughing, Riku began laughing too. 
             Yatoshi and Kamura flew in and Kamura started to yell, "What in the hell are you two trying to do?! Destroy the forest!?" "Kamura, calm down." Yatoshi calmly said. Kamura flew down to Riku and began punching him in the head while shouting, "IT ISN'T FUNNY!" Yatoshi flew down to Kazuki and said, "I hope you two enjoyed yourselves, the reason we're here is because King Karoshi has ordered you two to meet up at the castle with him, apparently, he's discovered where those earthquakes have been coming from and wants you two, along with your Royal Knights to investigate it." Yatoshi explained. 
             "Now that I think about it, Raaza mentioned something about that mission to me about a month ago. He said that we were going to Wizard Castle... No that's not right, it was... Uh... Erm... WARLOCK CASTLE! Yeah that place!" Kazuki yelled as he patted his head. "...Right, anyways, that's all I've come here for. I hope you two can put an end to your problems, I don't think you'll need my help on your mission so I won't be coming, I have to protect this forest after all." Yatoshi said as he flew up. "You're right, we'll begin leaving in a moment!" Kazuki yelled as he stood up. "Right, Kamura, c'mon." Yatoshi said. As Kamura started to fly off the ground she gave Riku the most digusting look before catching up with Yatoshi. "Farewell, my friends!" Yatoshi yelled as he waved before flying back to the palace. 
             "Riku, you hear that? It's the mission I've been telling you about! Aren't you excited!?" Kazuki yelled. Riku stood up and cracked his neck before smiling and saying, "Yeah, I'm very excited." "Well, we got to get back to the Kingdom and get ready before going to the King." Kazuki said. "You're right, well, I'll see you at the castle." Riku said before flying off. "Right!" Kazuki yelled back with a smile before flying towards the Kingdom. 
             -Kazuki went to his house and got prepared for the new mission, as he head out he saw Royal Knights taking supplies to the docks and saw a large ship that was being loaded with supplies. "I wonder what mom is up to right now, I'll go check on her. Only a little visit, shouldn't take that long." Kazuki thought as he flew in the direction of his mother's home. On his way he noticed an old woman trying to carry a heavy pack of food onto a wagon. "I'll help with her first." Kazuki thought with a smile. "Hello, mind if I help with that?" Kazuki asked with a smile. 
              The old woman looked at up him and said, "Casual clothing, an expensive bag, a fine looking sword, you must be of royalty! No, no, that's fine I can handle it. I'm sure you wouldn't want to dirty your hands with a commoner like me." She said with trying to put the bag on the wagon faster. Kazuki grabbed the bag and loaded it onto the wagon with no effort and said, I'm just a Royal Knight, ma'am. Helping is what I do, no matter who it is in need." The woman's eyes lit up as he was saying that and she teared up saying, "I can't believe it... Someone actually notices we exists instead of treating us like livestock! Thank you, Royal Knight!" "Yeah... I know what it's like to be in your situation. In fact, I've come down here to visit my mother." Kazuki said with a light smile. 
             "Really? Who's your mother?" She asked. "Her name is Asuka Hiroyuki." Kazuki said. "H-Heh... It can't be." The woman said as she stumbled back. Kazuki tilted his head in confusion and asked, "Is everything fine, ma'am?" "YOU'RE KAZUKI HIROYUKI!?" She yelled. "Yeah, you've heard of me?" Kazuki asked. "Heard of you? My son used to talk all about you! You helped everyone in the lower parts of the capital even before you joined the Royal Knights! You've grown so much and so strong that you're unrecognizable!" She yelled. "Hah! Yeah that was me alright!" Kazuki yelled with a smile. "I'm sure Asuka will be very happy to see you! I mustn't hold you here any longer, don't want to keep her waiting." The woman said before going back into her house. 
               "Things still haven't changed down here, huh?" Kazuki thought with a smile as he continued to walk down the road to his mother's house. "Kazuki went and became a Royal Knight and hasn't come back in 3 months! He's probably forgotten alllll about little ol' me! Waaaaahhhhh!" Asuka cried as she laid on the ground. Asuka heard a knock on her door and said, "Go away!" Another knock later and Asuka stood on her feet and started to walk towards the door saying, "I said 'Go away' don't make me come out there and give you the beating of a lifeti-" Asuka stopped talking mid-sentence as she opened to see Kazuki standing there with a small smile, he kindly said, "Hey, mom." Asuka broke down into tears and invited her son into her arms while smiling widely. 
              They talked for a little while before Kazuki left to go to the castle and meet up with Riku before talking to King Karoshi. Kazuki flew through the air, straight towards the castle. He cockily smiled as he thought, "Now that my personal needs are out the way, let's do this!"

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