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                      "Gah! W-Where am I?!" Kazuki yelled sitting up. "Well you're in the Granting Area, you blacked out after getting hit with a weakening arrow in the exams. You should be fine now so just wait till everyone else gets here." A Royal Guard said. Slowly, portals began to open randomly and a person was being carried out by a Royal Guard. "Well, I wonder if the others made it out safely. Especially Aida and Shida." Kazuki thought as he sat waiting. A portal opens up and Aida is being carried out by a Royal Guard, Kazuki runs over to her and tries to wake her up. "Aida! Aida! Wake up! We survived! Wake up please!" Kazuki yelled while starting to sob. 
                     "I'm guessing this is someone close to you, if that's the case then I'll hand her over to you. Take care of her with great care." The Royal Guard said while putting Aida in Kazuki's arms. "T-Thank you, sir!" Kazuki yelled while crying. "It's my duty as a Royal Guard to protect those who cannot protect themselves." He said while gently smiling.  "A-Aida...we survived, we survived the exams." Kazuki said softly as he put Aida down and laid next to her. A couple hours passed and Kazuki woke up to find Aida staring out the window. "A-Aida? It's dark out and it's probably late, what're you doing?" Kazuki said as he rubbed his eyes. 
                     "There, the stars, they're glowing proudly tonight." Aida said as she pointed to the sky still staring out the window. Kazuki got up and started to approach her and they both looked out the window together. "The stars are glowing bright, maybe it's a sign of good luck." Kazuki said softly. Everyone else was fast asleep. When daybreak comes, everyone here will become Squires. A Squire is the position of which a rookie devotes his or her loyalty to a Royal Knight and serves them until it's their time to become one. "Aida, what do you want to do when you fulfill your dream?" Kazuki asked.
                    "Well, by then I'd probably be dead. I know it'll take a lifetime to achieve my goal, but I will make it happen no matter what." Aida responded.Kazuki looked at Aida and quietly said  " matter what." Kazuki and Aida went back to their beds and fell asleep. Daybreak finally came and they were awoken to the sound of trumpets. "All rise! Make way for thy King!" A man yelled. Two Jesters appeared from out the curtains and began dancing. The Royal Guards began entering the room and one stood atop the stage. The King entered the room and sat on the throne as everything grew silent. "That's the King? He's not very royal looking. He's fat and almost looks harmless, and he has that arrogant look on his face. Must be good knowing that you're protected by thousands of strong guards while parts of your Kingdom is suffering." Riku thought. "Royal Knights! Take your Squire!" King Karoshi ordered. The Royal Guards began looking amongst the young ones and one by one they were being chosen. "I'll take this one my King." A Royal Guard said while pointing over to to Kazuki. Kazuki looked at Aida before walking towards the Royal Guard.
                          "My name is Raaza Chiziko, from this day forward, you'll be my noble squire." Raaza said while smiling. "This is the guy that saved me from the Wendigo and Witches, he doesn't seem like a bad guy and he's pretty friendly." Kazuki thought. "Royal Guard Raaza has made his choice, state your name for us young squire." King Karoshi said. "My name is, Kazuki Hiroyuki! I hope I live up to your expectations so that I may become a Royal Guard one day!" Kazuki yelled. "I like your devotion young man, I'm happy to have you by my side." Raaza said. Kazuki looked at Aida who stared him down as he began walking out of the Granting Area. "W-We're leaving? Aren't I supposed to get my Enchant?" Kazuki asked.
                          "Oh no, we're going to get your Enchant right now. It isn't in the Granting Area." Raaza responded. "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen anyone get their Enchant when they were picked...interesting." Kazuki said. Eventually, Kazuki and Raaza make it to the Enchant Area. "Hey some of the guys from the exams are here, I wonder what Enchant I'll get." Kazuki said. "We'll see very shortly young squire." Raaza said smiling. "You there young man! Step onto this circle!" The Wizard yelled. "Ah- S-Sure I guess..." Kazuki said. "Enchant-Enchant, you'll have. Which Enchant shall be bestowed upon you I wonder." The Wizard said. 
                          Kazuki stepped onto the circle and it started to glow and a blue aura surrounded him until he wasn't visible anymore. Wind began ripping apart the air which was calm a few seconds before. "This means that the young squire will have a weapon Enchant, interesting indeed." The Wizard said. "This pressure is immense! This boy is strong!" Raaza thought while smiling proudly. The aura started to calm down and a sword was visible in Kazuki's hand. "Ahahah! This is awesome! I got a sword!" Kazuki chanted proudly. "Nice, nice, very nice. Well done young squire. You were strong enough to acquire your own Enchant. I've high hopes for you." Raaza thought. 
                          The other squires looked in amazement and chattered amongst themselves. "Hey kid, your Enchant...just how did you manage to get something so powerful? Aren't you a human like the rest of us?" Riku asked. "Well yeah, I'm a human. And we can't say if my Enchant is strong or not, it might not be compatible with my mana nor have an ability." Kazuki responded gripping his sword. "I see...well, I also have a weapon Enchant. But I don't know what mine does either." Riku said. "That must be the weapon on his back, interesting." Kazuki thought. Riku left with Akihito and Kazuki left with Raaza. Midday approached and Kazuki was wandering around a marketing place with Raaza. Raaza didn't know much about marketing or shopping since he was always favorited by King Karoshi because of his loyalty and strength.
                           "You can spend as much as you need to Kazuki! Make good sales and get even greater items! You need armor and charms!" Raaza yelled. "Y-Y'know you don't have to yell right? I'm right in front of you." Kazuki said while covering his ears. They both let out a laugh that echoed throughout the sky...
                            ...Waves crashed against the coast, a winged-humanoid figure stood atop the rocks, staring out onto the vast sea... "Yatoshi!" A voice called out from the distance. Yatoshi began to turn around revealing his light green eyes...

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