Chapter 4: As I Lay Down To Sleep

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Not too much later they had finished packing, Jin and his things had been carted off to the Kim house. The building was roughly the same size as his house, with just one very long level instead of the square shape of his own house, but there was more warmth to it; it practically oozed comfort. There were plush couches and chairs at every turn, with intricate paintings on the wall and games scattered on a table in the living room.

As soon as they reached the said living room, Namjoon plopped down on a couch and closed his eyes. Jin wasn't sure if he had dozed off or not, so he just stood there uncomfortably. Namjoon's mom walked into the room a moment later and Jin could almost feel the heat of her anger.

"KIM NAMJOON!!, you get up right this second!" She hollered, grabbing a magazine from a rack next to the couch and rolling it up. When Namjoon only rolled over a little in his spot, she held the magazine out to Jin. "Hit him." she instructed. "I told him he had to show you around, and by god..., he had better wake up and do as I say!"

Jin suppressed a laugh and whacked Namjoon over the head. "Oooowwww!" He groaned, opening one eye and rubbing his head. "Geez, I was awake! I was only resting for a moment!"

Namjoon's mom shook her head and stalked off, telling her son to show Jin around over her shoulder. He shrugged at his mother, and then stood up. "Gawd." He muttered, then turned to Jin. "Sorry. I woke up early this morning."

Jin gave him an indifferent look. "Well, you going to show me around or not?"

He looked long-suffering. "Yeah, yeah." He made a sweeping gesture. "This is the living room, as I assume you've already seen." He nodded and he led him down the hall. He opened doors as he went. "My parent's room." "The bathroom." and "A game room." were the simple answers Namjoon gave him until they reached the end of the long hallway.

"This one is my room." He said quietly, stepping inside. It was large with a bunch of knickknacks and books were strewn everywhere. Jin followed him in. "This...Well, this is where you'll be staying until our parents finalize the deal on the house they're buying us."

Jin crossed his arms. "Here?"

He shrugged, looking uncomfortable. "Yes."

"With you?"


Jin shook his head. "No."

Namjoon sat in one of his chairs. "Yes?"

"I'm not sleeping with you." Jin glared at him.

Namjoon cocked his head. "Which form of that term do you mean?"

Jin turned red. "BOTH!"

Namjoon gave him a weird smile. "Sorry, but this is where our parents decided to put you. But don't worry, I won't rape you or anything." he gestured at the bed. "Besides, it's big enough for two."

It was that true-his bed was huge-but Jin stomped his foot like a child. "I don't want to sleep in here with you!"

Namjoon stood up and sighed. "Too bad, Jin. My parents will get on our case if you don't, and they're really annoying so you might as well get used to me."

“I just feel a bit strange around you right now, you know?” Jin tried to shrink and disappear right where he stood but failed. “Like, we're being shoved together so quickly and it's hard on me.”

Namjoon pushed the covers away on his bed to lie down on one side. “C'mon Jin.” He said, closing his eyes. He slowly walked over to the bed. "I'm tired; let's sleep and you'll forget about it."

Jin scoffed. It's practically noon though!

Namjoon shrugged, rolling over in his bed to look at him. "Mom will wake us up when she's made lunch".

Jin was silent for a second before he burst out in giggles. "Okay, okay, that's not really what I meant, but whatever. You win." He smiled and carefully laid down on the bed beside him.

Jin was stiff as he pulled the covers up over them, but after a minute or so, when Namjoon's breathing became regular and he knew he was asleep, Jin slowly relaxed and re-arranged himself on the bed to be most comfortable position and was asleep shortly.

"NAMJO-ON-aww, how precious! Shin! Come here!" A voice slowly broke through Jin's drowsiness. "They are so cute! Look at Joon; he's so forward for once!"

"Too cute, a softy I've got for a son!"

Jin tried to ignore the voices and snuggled closer to the warmth of the bed. "Shuddup." He muttered.

"Yeah, shut it" Another voice piped in. Jin recognized it as...his husband? Jin instantly felt cold as he realized that he was cuddling with his husband in bed. Something that would have been perfectly normal, had their marriage been normal. However, it was certainly not a normal marriage, and he opened his eyes.

Namjoon was laying on his front with an arm over him as he lay on his side nestled under his chin. The covers had been kicked down to the end of the bed.

Well, at least their clothes were still on. But Jin ignored this and sat up with a look on her face that screamed 'I've been violated! Help!' he twisted around to get off the bed, kicking his legs over the side, only to come face to face with Jiho and Shin.

"Aaah!" He screeched loud enough for Namjoon to jolt up as if burned and turn to check on him, in the process noticing his parents.

"Oh, it's you. Is lunch ready?" He asked like it was no big deal. Jin bristled. 'What, did he have others in his bed all the time or something and was accustomed to having things like this happen to him?' He frowned. Jin would NOT be disgraced by having his man caught with a mistress!

Jiho chuckled a little. "Yes, sleepyhead. I called you five times!"

She left the room but Shin lingered long enough to wink suggestively at his son, who wore an annoyed expression. "Troublesome," he muttered, wiping his mouth of any drooling he might have done while sleeping.

Jin stood up and, without any further adieu, stalked off after his parents.


A/n: Thanks for reading and voting. I love reading your comments too ☺ I've published two new books titled; Captivity[BTS AU] and Epiphany[Modern Kingdom] please check them out on my profile. If there's anything you don't understand don't hesitate to lemme know. Enjoy your day!!

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