Chapter 5: Jealousy and Love Are Siblings

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Namjoon sat in his bed. Jin had left quickly as a whip without saying anything to him about his parents or him or the situation, which he thought was weird. However, he lazily stood up and ambled after his husband leisurely.

Lunch was ramen, and he sat across from Jin. Seokjin mostly ignored him straight through lunch, but when he was close to finishing, he kicked his leg under the table.

Namjoon fought from voicing his pain and glared at him. Jin mouthed we need to talk after lunch with an angry face before returning to being impassive.

Namjoon spent the rest of lunch working himself into a semi-fit over why Jin would be so upset but kept a calm look. When Jin stood up and motioned for him to follow, his mother yelled after him.

"Don't go back to sleep or you won't be able to sleep tonight!" Namjoon turned around to nod and saw his father winking suggestively again. He gave a shuddery and annoyed breath. Man was his father annoying.

He led Jin into the game room so he wouldn't be tempted to sleep again. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" He asked over his shoulder as he dug through the stacks of games and toys to find a game for them to play.

"What are you looking for?" Jin asked, ignoring his question.

"My chessboard so we can play it." He responded, making sure to give enough information so he wouldn't continue to question him uselessly.

"Oh, alright." He returned, lying down on his stomach to watch him.

"I thought you needed to talk to me?" Namjoon asked.

Jin glared at him. "I DO, but I'm trying to think of how to phrase it."

He shrugged, pulling out the board and bringing it over to her, also laying down. Namjoon stared at him while he looked at the board. He made the first move.

Jin quickly made a counter move, not even sparing a second to think of which move would be best. "So..." he started. "Your parents earlier..."

"What about them?" Namjoon asked, thinking over his next move.

"Well, they didn't seem so surprised to see us sleeping together."

"That's true." He said noncommittally while he moved his piece.

Jin slid another piece without any thought again. "You didn't seem so surprised to see them either."

"I told you they'd wake us up when lunch was ready."

Jin played with his shirt, twisting it and tugging at it while he considered his next move. Namjoon looked up at him when he could sense his restlessness.

Jin was too handsome for his own good, surely. He had the handsome face Namjoon had ever seen and his lips... Despite his handsome features, his eyelashes were long and dark, framing pretty pastel dark blue eyes. His facial features were defined and classic-looking. He was not too thin; though he seemed to eat a healthy portion the two times he had dined with him. He had pale skin as if his parents had locked him away and he rarely felt the warmth of sunlight on his skin.

Jin bit his lip. "Namjoon-ah...are you?" Jin tried to form a proper sentence but failed.

He moved a piece. "Do I what?"

Jin moved a piece carelessly right into his trap. "Do you have others over often?" He said hesitantly. "I don't care if you have in the past, but you better stop it now."

He didn't really understand what she was saying. "What?"

Jin went on, looking more confident. "Well, it's of no consequence to me if your parents have caught you in the act before, but I won't stand for you having others over when we are married."

Jin stood up. Maybe it was to show dominance, or maybe it was because he was restless, he didn't know. "I won't be disgraced by you even if our relationship isn't real."

Namjoon slowly caught on. "Huh? Wha-wait! You..."

"I'm not jealous if that's what you're going to ask; hell no!" he told him adamantly, making sure he didn't get any ideas. "But we're married. You have to be faithful to me. It's a real rule, you know."

Namjoon scoffed lightly. Of course, he knew that. "I've never been caught in the act, Jin, and I don't really understand how you came to that conclusion, but nevertheless, I haven't, okay?" He told him sternly. "I haven't even done the act. And I'm not about to have a mistress! Geez, how troublesome!" he trailed off at the end with a mumble.

Jin crossed his arms and sat down again with a 'hmph'. "Good. He said. Because I would seriously hurt you if you answered otherwise."

Namjoon made a move that took his piece with a smile. "Like you could."

A/n: Thanks for reading and voting!! We all agree Jin was kinda Jealous 😁

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