Chapter 7: Nothing Sharpens Sight Like Envy

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Months passed and they grew steadily closer. Namjoon was a better husband than he could've hoped for, and he thought Jin was a pretty good husband when he would do their laundry or cook dinner.

One night Namjoon confessed to him that he had wanted an average partner to be his who wouldn't make a fuss and did all the chores and was pleasant and took care of him...but that, even though he wasn't really what he had been wanting, he still was glad to have a man like him for a wife

Namjoon's praise meant the world to Jin.

They were no longer awkward with each other at all. They definitely would have become friends even if they had met more casually than suddenly being married. But they weren't romantic with each other or anything. They may have been married, but they were still only friends.

Jin knew his mother was waiting for some sort of announcement that he was pregnant. She had mentioned it at their last get-together. Right in front of everyone.

Jin had been appalled. He couldn't believe his mother thought he was already in some sort of sexual relationship with his husband! Maybe if they had a wedding night he would have given in to tradition, but without any sort of dramatic tradition forced on him, there was no reason or push to make it happen.

Or maybe if Namjoon made a move on's not like he was opposed to having sex with him, but Jin didn't feel the need to do it or to try and make it happen. He knew it would happen eventually, but it was not something he was dreading, or really looking forward to.

Namjoon was very lackadaisical about it, too. He knew that there were expectations of them but he didn't want to force himself on Jin. He didn't NEED to have sex anyway, though he certainly wouldn't mind it if it were to happen. Jin was very handsome, and when they walked together, men on the street looked at him with such jealousy and at him with crazy lust. Namjoon knew they all wanted to switch places with him.

Today was a special day-Jin had planned a "family outing" for the two of them and had also invited his friend Hoseok to come with them. They were going out to lunch and then shopping for some more pastimes for Jin and Namjoon to waste time with.

"Oh my god, Jin..." Hobi was saying. "Have you seen Yoongi recently?"

"No, why? Did something happen to him?" Jin responded, looking concerned. Namjoon wondered who they were talking about.

"Yoongi broke his arm!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"How did THAT happen!?" Jin screeched, TOO concerned.

"He got in another fight with Jae!"

"But how could Jae break his arm? Yoongi is so strong!"

"I think he snuck up on him and got the upper hand in the fight! Or at least, that's what I've heard. Jae's bragging about it all over town like he should be proud that the only way he can injure Yoongi is by sneaking around."

Jin looked apologetic. "Poor Yoongi..." He trailed off, but in a moment her face lit up. "Let's go check on him!"

Hoseok's face lit up and mirrored Jin's. He agreed and they pulled a confused Namjoon to the hospital.

"Who in the world is Yoongi?" Namjoon asked on the way.

Jin and Hoseok looked upset. "How could you not know?" Jin wondered aloud.

"Min Yoongi is only the greatest boy on the face of the planet!" Hoseok replied. Jin immediately agreed. "He's SO wonderful!"

"And strong!" Jin contributed.

"And handsome!"

"And brave!"

"And smart!"

"And his VOICE...!"

"And his SMIRK...!"

"And his EYES...!"

"And his-" Hoseok began, but Namjoon cut him off.

"Okay, I get it, Yoongi is the picture of perfection! Whatever!" he scoffed and looked away from the swooning boys. Jin was HIS husband, not Yoongi's!

"He IS perfect!" Jin continued shamelessly. "He was in our class and me and Hoseok admired him SO much!" He grinned and elbowed the boy beside him, who immediately blushed. "Do you recall, Hobi?"

Namjoon shrugged and slowed down a bit so the giggling boys were ahead of him. They kept walking at the same pace and didn't notice he was behind them. "I'm...going home," Namjoon called ahead to Jin.

Jin turned his head to look at him and smiled widely and waved. "Okay, see you later tonight!" He responded and then turned around and continued to giggle with Hoseok. Jin looked so irresistible and off-limits at that moment that Namjoon understood completely why all the men who saw them together looked like they did. He understood their jealousy because he was feeling it himself.

Jealousy, not at Hoseok for hanging out with Jin, but at Yoongi for having Jin's heart while he only had his body.

A/n: Thanks for reading and voting.... Namjoon's jealousy is going to open a new chapter to their relationship.

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