Chapter 12: Each Kiss Is A Heartquake

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Another week passed, relatively uneventful. Jin had made lunch and Namjoon had ironed his clothes. Neither brought it up.

But that didn't stop Jin from thinking about it.

Nor did it lessen the number of times he DID think it over.

In fact, the longer they ignored it, the more Jin brought it up mentally. But still, he left it as an unbreachable subject. He grew more and more restless and kept forcing him to go out on the town with him.

Namjoon had played along and had not mentioned what had happened, but he also spent a lot of time thinking of him. Jin thought only about motive, but he was more focused on his creamy skin and his bright smile.

On this particular morning, Namjoon had woken up with these things lingering in his head. Jin was awake next to him, painting his fingernails, and hadn't noticed he was up yet, so he replayed the dream with glazed-over eyes.

Jin was running his fingers through his hair with a playful smirk on his face. He moved a piece on the chess board, as carelessly as he had the first time. He was wearing only his underwear and one of Namjoon's shirts, his long legs entirely exposed, while Namjoon was fully clothed. He moved one of his own pieces and captured his with a leer. "Well, you know what that means..." he said to him, sounding apprehensive. Jin nodded, plastering a coy look on his face as he fingered the hem of the shirt and begun to pull it up in a very slow manner.

But before he could shed another article of clothing, he had woken up.

Namjoon blamed this on the nail polish-the smell of which could awaken even his father who, as possibly the deepest sleeper in the entire family. He grumbled slightly. It wasn't every night he played strip chess with Jin...even though it was just a dream.

Jin looked over at him with a smile. "Hello, sunshine." he teased, "Do you like this color on me?" He almost shoved his hand at Namjoon to show him his light blue nails.

Namjoon woke up some more at this, a blush creeping onto his face, thinking about how he had dreamt about the boy and he was clueless to it. He glanced at the nails and back at his face, glad that he hadn't mumbled something while sleeping to alert him. "It's the same color as your eyes." he told him appreciatively. "Therefore it's perfect."

Jin leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Joon..." Jin continued with the nail polish as Namjoon watched him carefully.

Jin had begun to kiss his cheek very often, after Namjoon had avoided him. Maybe it was to reassure him that he was wanted here with him, or maybe it was in hopes of the ever-resulting blush. Namjoon enjoyed it, but he had yet to return any of these gestures. Jin blew on his nails a few moments later and smiled at him.

He was thinking about the way Namjoon had stared at him. He felt sort of flattered, despite all the uneasy feelings like embarrassment that were at the forefront. Jin half-hoped he would do something else to make up his mind for him, so he tried baiting him with sweet little kisses on the cheek. Namjoon barely reacted to it, but he did think he was very cute when he blushed. He wondered what he would do if he kissed him on the mouth, his gaze falling slowly to his lips.

Namjoon didn't know why Jin's eyes had dropped; nor did he know what he was thinking of. He just smiled at him unsurely and his eyes snapped back up to his. "Hehe...Jin, you okay?" He asked carefully. If Jin was in one of his moods he could very easily snap at him. He had been surprised the first time it happened but it wasn't that often anyhow so he didn't complain.

Jin turned instantly red. "Everything's fine!" he squeaked, turning immediately to his nails and inspecting them with way too much care.

Namjoon grinned. It was rare to see Jin this flustered over nothing. Normally he would get red if anyone made assumptions about the two of them, but besides that he seemed confident enough to not be bothered by little things. Namjoon wrapped his arm around Jin's broad shoulders and pulled him against him. "Yeah, yeah, sure." He replied, patting him twice on the knee.

Jin got redder. "Joon-aah!" he whined, looking up into his face with slight annoyance, but there was a smile in his eyes...

Which, Namjoon thought not so long after, was probably the reason he had leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips.

A/n: Wait?!😱 What did I write in the last sentence lol Do you think Namjoon kissed him?? Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.

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