Chapter 6: Every Garden Has It's Weeds

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A week or two passed until they moved into their new house. It was fairly large and in a nice neighborhood, but Jin felt uncomfortable with the sheer multitude of rooms. After they had decorated the rooms-two bathrooms, a kitchen, a laundry room, a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a study-there were still a few rooms left over.

His mother had mentioned that they would fill up in time. With kids. Jin had shuddered at the thought.

Sure, he was comfortable enough with Namjoon now that he hadn't asked for his own room when they were decorating their bedroom, but they hadn't even kissed yet. His mother must have been getting the wrong idea because he and Namjoon spent a lot of time in his room together. Shin was probably making suggestive comments to his father or something and he had told his mother.

Anyhow, it was a comfortable place and he was glad that their parents had paid for it. Currently, Jin was sitting in the downstairs living room reading a book. It was one of their off days, he worked at his parents' flower shop.

"Jin?" Namjoon called to him from another room.

"Yes?" he responded, putting down the book.

"Let's go on a walk." He said, entering the room with a jacket on.

Jin shrugged. "Okay, but can we stop by my friend's house? I haven't seen him in ages!" Jin held out his arm and waited.

Namjoon sighed and walked over, grabbing his arm and helping him stand up. He was trying to turn him into a chivalrous gentleman and had been doing this often. It bugged him, but he always did it anyway. He was easy to boss around, which Jin liked. His parents had always ordered him on what to do and treated him like he wasn't capable of anything but sitting there and looking nice, but Namjoon seemed to accept that he rasped the pants in their relationship and didn't even try to overcome him.

"Good boy." He patted his shoulder with a smile. He shrugged him off, so he sighed and held out his hand again. "Well?"

Namjoon hung his head but grabbed his hand and made for the door. Jin held back with a laugh. "What is it?" He asked with an irritated tone.

Jin giggled, bringing his free hand up to cover his smile. "I meant for you to bring me my coat!"

Namjoon promptly dropped his hand and stormed off to get it. Jin loved it when he got worked up over little things, even though he did the same thing. When he came back he helped him put it on without a word and he smiled warmly at him. "Thank you!" he said. He went for the door, but Jin grabbed his hand, grinned, and walked out of their house with him in tow.

They ambled down the street, hand in hand, not really bothering with looking at the stores they passed. Jin mostly led the way, since he knew where they were going, but Namjoon vaguely enjoyed the walk.

When they reached a humble two-story house out of the shopping district, Jin ran for the door and happily knocked on it. Namjoon stood off to the side a little, though they were still holding hands.

A boy their age answered the door, and his face broke into a wide smile as he leaped forward to embrace Jin. "Jinnie! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in the longest time!"

He had black hair and seafoam dark green eyes. A weird combination from Namjoon's point of view, but he wasn't about to rudely comment on it. Jin lifted his free arm to hug him back. "Hobi!" he exclaimed as if surprised, even though he really wasn't. "I know!"

The boy named Hobi, who he remembered being mentioned as his best friend, stepped back and looked over to see him. "And who's this?" Hoseok asked, glancing at their entwined hands. "The...husband?"

Jin nodded and Namjoon put forward a hand, which Hoseok readily clasped and shook. "Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you."

Jin grinned. "Can we come in?" Hobi jumped a little and hastily retreated into his house and gestured for them to enter. They walked into a living room, but before Jin sat down, Namjoon wordlessly took his coat off for him and his as well, resting it over the arm of the couch. Jin was shocked that his training was working so well and smiled at him warmly.

He shrugged and they sat down. "Sooooo" Hoseok began. "You are married! God, it's hard to believe."

Jin glared a little. "Didn't think I could get myself a man?"

Hobi laughed. "No, I knew you could, of course. But it's arranged anyway, and that's why it's so weird." He frowned. "I didn't even get to be your best man!"

Jin smiled fondly. "But I'll be yours when you get married, right?"

Jin nodded. ''Yeah, when THAT happens. Still, you're the first in our class to get married. Must be proud, eh?"

Jin shrugged and leaned back a little. Namjoon was simply watching them talk with a negligent look on his face. He glanced at Jin and back to Hoseok. "Well, it's a bit of an empty feeling. Would have been nice if I could have had a public proposal to shove it in their faces, but-OH!"

"What is it?" Namjoon asked, somewhat worried with his sudden change.

He smiled at Hoseok and held out his hand. Namjoon sighed. "What do you want me to do now?" He asked, annoyed.

Jin giggled. "Nothing, I just want Hobi to look at my hand."

Hoseok leaned forward in his seat across from them. "OH!" he squealed, grabbing Jin's hand and tugging it towards himself. Jin was pulled forward and Namjoon fought a laugh at how silly he looked for that moment. "OH, it's so beautiful!''

Namjoon looked at his hand, not really sure what was going on. "Yeah, Namjoon bought it for me on his own and gave it to me when we were first introduced. Isn't that so sweet?"

He realized they were talking about the ring and turned red, shrinking back in his seat. He didn't want them fussing over him or anything.

"Gawd," Hoseok mumbled. "THAT is a nice ring." He looked up at Jin and smiled. "I'm glad you got one; I know you talked about how much you wanted one that whole week after your father told you."

Jin blushed. "Yeah-I gave him one of my gold rings too so we'd sort of match."

Namjoon hadn't known that he had really wanted a ring. Well, that only made him more pleased that he had done it. He smiled at him when he wasn't looking.

Hoseok continued the conversation. "So, you two...are?" he asked, throwing a suggestive look Namjoon's way. He was getting fed up with everyone making all these suggestive looks at him and never Jin.

Jin laughed uncomfortably. "Namjoon-ah is nicer than I expected, so now we're friends, I guess." Jin shot a stern look at Hobi, just DARING him to say anything more on the topic.

"Oh, well that's good!"

"Yeah, and he's so obedient too. It's refreshing."

"Oh yeah? Obedient?"

"Uh-huh. Like, I told him not to have any mistresses and so he said he wouldn't."

Namjoon scoffed from the side. "Like I could've in the first place!"

Jin shoved his shoulder irritably and he grinned at him. He loved it when he got worked up over little things, even though he did the same thing.

A/n: I'm here again, your comments and votes mean a lot to me. Thanks for reading... Have a good day

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