Chapter 15: Epilogue

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Jin gazed out the window in their living room with a sigh. It was a heavy sigh, to match his heavy emotions. He was happy, so happy, but at the same time, a great deal of worry overcame him.

"They'll be happy for us and you know it." A hand rested on his shoulder as Namjoon sat beside him on the couch and turned to face the window with him. "Why are you bothered?"

Jin nestled himself deep in his arms. "I know they'll be happy about it."

"Are you happ—" his question was cut off by a kiss. It was a slow but desperate meeting of lips. Jin pulled away after a minute with a smile gracing his face. Namjoon thought he'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

"You know I am, you silly man! I've only said so a hundred times! Sheesh!" he playfully slapped his arm, and he smiled back. "Well, as much as I don't want to, we better get going. Mom and Dad are expecting us, and then we have dinner with your parents later tonight."

They stood up. Without being told, Namjoon went and got their coats. Jin blushed and hugged himself tight. Though he had trained him into chivalry, it still made him warm inside whenever Namjoon did something small like this for him.

They left their house and walked down the street, fingers entwined. Though Namjoon received glares from all the single men passing him by, he ignored it. It was only expected when one had a husband as handsome as Jin. He knew better than to let himself be affected by the jealously of these men. Besides, Jin had assured him time and time again that it was only him that he saw on these walks, that it was only ever him.

The pair soon arrived at his old house, the place where they had first met, and exchanged rings. They were greeted at the door by his father. "Jinnie! And the Kim boy! It's great to see you, it's been much too long." He ushered them in. "Darling, it's too cold out to be wearing such a light jacket, you'll catch a cold! Namu, I thought you were taking better care of him?" He teased lightly.

"Daddy, how many times do I have to tell you to call him Namjoon? And this coat is fine, I'm not a baby, I can handle the cold." Jin returned as they entered the house.

"Oh, let your old man have some fun with his son-in-law, darling." His mother spoke from the living room. Jin went to kiss her on the cheek. "Anyhow, what's with wanting to see us so suddenly?"

He had a hopeful glint in his eyes. Jin sighed raggedly and grabbed Namjoon's hand. He squeezed it back and met his gaze. He is the love of his life, and always would be. He couldn't be happier about being with him. Though it was arranged, he truly had grown to love his husband dearly, and Namjoon felt the same way about him. Things couldn't be going better for the couple. They could overcome this.

His father smirked at the pair, taking his own wife's hand. "Did you want to tell us something important?" he asked, hinting with his eyes. "Something about, perhaps?" His wife looked even more hopeful than before.

Jin sighed, but this time it was light, maybe even a cheerful exhalation of breath. He gripped Namjoon's hand tighter and responded. "Actually….yes. I'm pregnant!"


Two years and some months later found Jin and Namjoon sitting together in the living room. Their baby boy, Jimin, crawled around on the floor, playing with his favorite toy, Shooky. He was born blonde, but his hair had changed to a medium brown over time. He had small, beautiful blue-grey eyes that captivated everyone he met.

Jin looked at his son fondly. "He reminds me more of you every day!" He told his husband Namjoon.

Namjoon looked doubtful. "How so?"

Jin laughed. This got Jimin's attention, and he looked to his dad with an inquisitive expression. He smiled at the boy. "Yesterday, right while I was feeding him, he fell asleep out of nowhere! I fear he shall be vague like his father."

Namjoon chuckled. "Oh, really? I suppose I should be on the lookout for moments of bossiness then, shouldn't I?"

Jin snuggled against his husband. "Perhaps you should!" he rubbed his stomach gently. He was in his second month of pregnancy for their next child. "I wonder what he'll be like?"

Namjoon put his hand on top of his. "How do you know it's male?"

"A 'mother' always knows!"

Namjoon smiled and leaned down to kiss his forehead. Though this had begun as an arranged marriage, he was so happy to have a family with this man, the man he loved. They had a wonderful son, with another on the way. It was like he and Jin had been arranged by more than just their parents...perhaps fate had some hand in the events? All Namjoon knew was that it was a perfect arrangement.

Jin mirrored his thoughts. "I'm so glad I'm married to you."

He brought Jin closer in his arms. "Me too, I love you, Jin."

“I love you too, Namjoon.”


Thank you for reading! I wish you all well! May you find happiness like Jin and Namjoon's!

Also, I'm sorry for making this short, but actually, that's how it is supposed to be. Don't worry.... read my other books for smut/fluff Namjin stories. This book was written when I was watching Namjin moments on YouTube. Omg 😱 y'all see how Namjoon looks at Jin and vice versa

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