Chapter 14: Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

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Jin rushed his bath, not wanting to get too caught up in thinking about his revelation. It was better to distract himself from that and concentrate on the task at hand. He could hear Namjoon moving around the room. He sounded restless so he hurried his pace.

He left his hair unbrushed after doing a half-assed job at drying it and dressed in a pair of short-shorts, a plain shirt, and a light jean jacket. Steeling himself, he opened the door...

...To find a quite pitiful-looking Namjoon loading his clothes into a piece of luggage.

"What are you doing?" Jin asked, any nervousness overcome by his odd behavior.

He continued with his task. "Packing." He grumbled the simple answer.


His eyes shot up at this. "YOU told me to."

Jin scoffed. "No, I didn't!"

"'Get ready to leave'? Ring a bell?" He scowled furiously.

Jin was, if possible, even more, shocked by this than by his kiss. "What?! I didn't mean it like that!" he shook his head vigorously. "No, I was telling you WE were going to go out for a while! I wasn't telling you to move out!"

Namjoon dropped the bag on their bed. His expression mirrored Jin's own now. "Oh...oops." (Lol 😆 I didn't mean to laugh... Namu)

Jin was still staring at him. "I can't believe you just started packing! I can't believe you didn't even put up a fight! This house is as much yours as it is mine, if not more! And besides," Here Jin looked away. "we're married. If you were to move out of this house so would I."

Namjoon looked at the floor. "Well...I thought you wanted me to go away."

Jin blushed. "I don't...I just want to go to the park..."

Namjoon was blushing too. Jin had the urge to apologize and hit him at the same time. Wordlessly, Namjoon walked out of their room to go to the front door. He followed him a second later and together they left for the park. They walked with a respectable distance between them, and Jin wished he could hold his hand like he tended to, trying to aggravate him, but it was inappropriate to do so with their relationship like it was. He wondered if he thought he was pretending it never happened and felt bad that he was probably stressing him out.

However, Namjoon didn't seem bothered. Then again, he usually wore no expression anyway.

They arrived at the park quicker than the norm since Jin hadn't run over to look in any shop windows this time. He led him over to a rather isolated patch of land and they lay down next to each other.

The sky really was quite beautiful. Lazy clouds floated slowly around the blue sections. Jin glanced over at Joon. He was smiling. Just a little.

And Jin thought his heart would burst.

He sat up, Namjoon's eyes flicked over to him, a slight look of nervousness passing over his features. Jin got on his hands and knees and crawled closer to him. Namjoon swallowed obviously and he too smiled a bit. Jin moved in close enough that his hands were on the ground at both sides of his face, blocking his view of the sky.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Jin leaned down and kissed his lips for a short eternity. "Sorry about earlier. I was just really surprised, is all." Jin confessed quietly.

Namjoon sighed rather loudly, but he grinned up at him. "Troublesome..." He grumbled-almost cheerfully if it were possible-and reached a hand up to the back of his neck. He pulled him down closer to him. "You got me all worried and worked up for nothing..."

Jin smiled back. "You are so vague sometimes..." Namjoon didn't respond, so he leaned in further to kiss him...

And they met halfway.

AN: This is the last chapter🤧 YES, I KNOW, I am very sad too! (😣) The next chapter is an Epilogue.

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