Chapter 8: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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AN: Another shorter chapter! The next one is kinda short too, but it's my favorite! There's some big (in my opinion) romance coming up soon, so stick with me, my dear readers! I love you all!


Namjoon spent the next week avoiding Jin-a a difficult task when they had a whole house to themselves. He began to go out in the evenings with his friend Jackson, much to Jin's annoyance. He had yet to meet the boy and felt resentful towards Namjoon for this.

Mostly though, he was upset that he seemed to be finding every possible excuse to be alone. Their shared room, in which they had normally spent lazy afternoons together, was now cold and empty. Jin couldn't stand being in their room while Namjoon was out with a friend. It reminded him of the feeling he had whenever he thought of Namjoon's imaginary mistress. Jin knew that with Namjoon, there was no such woman or man, but it was a sick thought that came to his head in the evenings when Namjoon came home late.

In response, Jin spent much of his time with Hobi. They had visited Yoongi once or twice, wishing him a rapid recovery. However, Hoseok suddenly became very busy at work due to a possible promotion, and Jin stepped back to allow his friend the opportunity, rather than eat up all his time and endanger the position.

Thusly, Jin found himself on his parent's doorstep on the sixth day of Namjoon's separation. They had been the last resort, in a way. He didn't want his mother talking about a possible pregnancy when things were so strange between the two, but Jin felt an acute sense of loneliness that prompted him.

The door opened to reveal his dad before he had even knocked. "Jinie!" He exclaimed, "What are you doing here? Where's Shin's Kid?"

Jin fought both a shudder and a grin when his father mentioned his husband. "Daddy, his name is Namjoon, not 'Shin's kid', and he's out with a friend of his. Were you just leaving?" He asked after looking him once over. Jin frowned slightly.

His dad leaned down and patted his cheek affectionately. "Namjoon it is, then. I'm off to see Shin anyhow. Want me to tell him anything?" He casually threw out. "Like about you and your Namjoon?"

"Daddy!" Jin half-shrieked. "I'm not pregnant! I wish you and Mom would stop asking me, because it just makes everything twice as awkward, and...!" He trailed off with an exasperated sigh. "Just...! Just tell him that we look forward to seeing him and his wife, but don't you DARE bring up even the POSSIBILITY of me being pregnant!" He buried his face into his hands, suddenly overcome with the sheer absurdness of it all, saying all this right on their doorstep.

His dad drew him into a little hug, drawing him into the house meanwhile. "Aww, I'm sure it will happen sometime; don't you worry about it, darling."

Jin continued to hide his face. "He doesn't even TOUCH me at all; a baby is so out of the picture!" he muttered under his breath, letting his father lead him to their living room where his mother was sitting.

She stood up. "Jin darling?"

Seokjin sat down heavily on the couch, suddenly remembering when Namjoon had been sitting right in this very spot waiting to meet him, ring in his pocket. Thinking, maybe he touched the box anxiously and wondered what he'd be like. If he would like it. Jin pulled his shaking hands away from his red face and looked at his mother. "Can I stay here tonight? I-I miss my bed..."

His mother patted him on the shoulder. "Of course, darling. Of course."

A/n: Why do you think Namjoon is avoiding Jin? Thanks so much for reading and voting. I love reading comments, don't forget to add comments too 😉

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