Medieval AU Part One

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"Word has it the prince is out for a stroll today." A passer-by's comment caught the ear of the young blacksmith between the scrapes he made against a grindstone.

Fubble spun around to view the castle in the distance. His heart fluttered. Perhaps he will visit my neck of the woods. He smirked at the thought, knowing the Prince would be walking by. He set aside the dagger he was sharpening. He immediately decided to change out of his work wear to prepare for the Prince's visit.

Not before long, Fubble was in his only clean tunic, viewing himself in a small mirror. He had wiped the grime off his face the best he could. The sound of cheers and loud greetings stirred Fubble from his reflection. He scrambled to his window and leaned out. He could see a crowd of citizens bowing to someone behind a building. He's coming! Fubble took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He quickly walked downstairs and outside. Fubble leaned back against the wall of his place, to seem more relaxed. He stared down the cobblestone road, impatiently awaiting to merely glimpse at the Prince. Finally, as he casually strolled around the corner, the Royal Prince Ferbie was in view.

Prince Ferbie had his usual polite smile as he greeted his subjects. His black hair neatly brushed and kept in its place by his crown. Fubble swooned at his beauty, it was almost like Ferbie was glowing. He shone brighter than anyone. Ferbie shook a few people's hands as he walked. Much like his parents, Ferbie was a ruler for the people. His family commonly visited the town and townsfolk. Ferbie stopped in front of a jeweller's shop where the craftsman had brought out some of his newest creations for Ferbie's viewing.

"Greetings Archibald. How is business?" Ferbie glanced over the jewellery once quickly before looking back to an item that caught his eye.

"Good morn' Prince Ferbie. Business is lovely. I took the courtesy of bringin' out my most recent makings." He held out his arm closer to Ferbie. "Anythin' catch your eye?"

Ferbie nodded. He pulled out his coin pouch and retrieved a few silver coins. He handed them over and took his new belonging, placing it in his tunic pocket.

"Thank you Prince Ferbie. Bless you!" Archibald took Ferbie's hand and kissed it, thankful for the generous tip.

Ferbie nodded. "Please, no need to thank me. Farewell."

Ferbie's heart skipped a beat as he met his gaze with Fubble's. He bit his lip and made his way towards him. Fubble desperately wanted to reach out and caress his face but alas, he could not. If anyone saw them acting any more than friendly and told the guard, there would be terrible repercussions. Ferbie made sure to stand a respectable distance.

Fubble bowed as he stopped in front of him. "My Prince. I see you are not accompanied by your normal guards." Fubble observed with a small smirk.

Ferbie blushed as he usually did whenever he heard the phrase, "My Prince," leave Fubble's lips. "I managed to shake them off at the tavern." He risked a wink. He cleared his throat and glanced around to see if anyone had noticed. "How is the dagger I commissioned coming along?"

"I'm finalizing it today, my Prince." Fubble also glanced around. He took a step forward and leaned towards Ferbie to lower his voice. "Will I be seeing you tonight?"

Ferbie bit his lip and nodded. Fubble smiled and stepped back giving the distance again. He reached out his hand. Ferbie took it gently. They stood there for a moment, staring into each other's eyes. They tried to savor every second they could of this moment.

Ferbie cleared his throat again, snapping back to reality. He turned from Fubble, towards the castle. "Good to see you as usual, Blacksmith."

"And I, you, my Prince."

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