Arin's T.O.M

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Serenity sat in her bed, trying to wrap up her homework for the day. She glanced over to Arin's bed, giving a look of concern. Arin faced the other way, staring at the wall and holding a hot water bottle to their stomach. A gentle knock sounded on the door. Serenity walked to the door and cracked it open. She peered out and saw Luke.

"Hey Serenity. Is Arin here? They aren't answering any of my texts or calls."

Serenity sighed and slipped out into the hall. "Arin isn't really in the mood to hang out."

Luke ran his hand through his hair and shrugged. "Did. . . Did I do something wrong or like, what is it?"

Serenity bit her lip. She pulled Luke away from the door and lowered her voice. "Arin got their period. They get really melancholic when it happens. It's probably best that you give them some space. I'll let you know if their mood changes." Serenity stepped back towards the door again.


Serenity was touching up her makeup in the mirror, getting ready to head out to work. Arin's soft snores were almost calming to her. A rhythmic tap came from the door. Serenity glanced at Arin to make sure they weren't disturbed. She tip-toed to the door and opened it. She furrowed her eyes at Luke.

"Luke, I told you they don't want to see anyone." Serenity whispered.

Luke held out a grocery bag. Out of curiosity, Serenity leaned over and peered inside. There was a small bouquet of daisies, a pack of pads, a pack of tampons, a bottle of painkillers, multiple bags of different candy, and Luke's laptop bag. Serenity sighed and looked at Luke. He smirked and raised his eyebrows.

Serenity rolled her eyes and grabbed her duffle bag. "Fine! But please be delicate." Serenity stepped out of the dorm and marched down the hall.

Luke walked into the dorm and glanced around. He heard a sharp snort that caused him to jump and look at Arin.

Arin rolled over and looked at Luke. They sighed and flopped back down. "I knew Serenity would break down." Arin reached to grab the red eye patch beside their bed.

Luke smiled lightly and walked over to Arin. "I got this stuff for you." He sat at the foot of Arin's bed. He pulled out the flowers first and handed them over.

Without a word, Arin took the daisies and set them down beside them. Arin looked in the bag and rummaged through the items. They raised an eyebrow and looked at Luke. He had a nervous smile as he pulled out his laptop bag.

"I thought we could watch some movies."

"Listen, I really appreciate the gesture Luke but it. . . It doesn't change how this stupid shit makes me feel." Arin pulled their knees to their chest and hid their face.

Luke scooted closer. "Tell me how it makes you feel."

Arin glanced at Luke. "Makes me feel like this isn't the body I was meant to have. Like . . . I hate that I'm reminded everyday that I was born a girl."

Luke nodded. "Well, I can't personally relate but I'm here for you." He slid beside Arin and wrapped an arm around them. "Your feelings are totally valid. Yes, you were born as a female but you know in your heart of hearts you're non-binary. There will be times like this for someone in your situation."

Arin leaned onto Luke's shoulder, not wanting to respond.

Luke kissed Arin's head before continuing, "I know I can't solve your problems with my words. I wish I could but I can't. What I can do though, is be here for you whenever you need to vent about how this stupid shit makes you feel." Luke smirked as he quoted Arin. "And if you want me to go, that's fine. Just don't forget I'm here." Luke placed his hand on Arin's cheek and guided their face to look at him. "I'll always be here for you."

Arin smiled weakly at Luke. They leaned forward and gently kissed Luke. After a moment, they pulled away and stared into his eyes before whispering, "You’re not going anywhere."

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