New Place

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Arin gripped onto their controller in anger. Just as they were about to throw it across the room, Fubble grabbed their arm and took the controller. Fubble, Ferbie, Serenity, and Arin sat in the living room of Ferbie and Fubble's apartment, playing Smash Bros Ultimate.

"You guys are fucking ganging up on me!" Arin groaned, snatching their controller from Fubble again. They targeted their respawned Little Mac to Serenity's Kirby.

The group laughed and continued playing.

"Fine, fine. Serenity, Arin team up on Ferbie! He still has three stocks." Fubble started sending his Robin towards Ferbie's Chrom.

"Fuck you, no!" Ferbie started fighting back against his friends.

After a while, the game ended with Ferbie on top. The group sat back on the couch, except for Ferbie who sat snug in Fubble's lap. They took an unspoken break from the game. Serenity walked to the kitchen to grab some water.

"So Arin, Serenity, are you guys excited to go back to your parents' places for the summer?" Fubble asked, holding onto Ferbie a little tighter.

Serenity groaned, walking back to the couch. "No. I mean I love my moms, don't get me wrong. But they are so. . . Much. You know?"

Arin nodded. "My dad will probably put me right to work once I get back."

"What does he do?" Fubble asked.

Arin bit their lip and silently slapped themself. "He, uhh, works in a lumber yard." Arin thought of the first lie that came to their head. "Yeah, he gets me to work in the ol' lumber yard."

"Sounds like it sucks."

"I wish I could stay in the city but I can't afford rent on my own, not with school expenses and bills and shit." Arin shrugged.

"Same! I would love to stay. We would all have so much fun." Serenity leaned on Arin's shoulder.

There was a moment of silence before Ferbie spoke up, "Why don't you guys move in with us?" Ferbie looked to Fubble to make sure he was okay with that idea. The big goofy smile on his face told Ferbie that he was down. "We have an extra room. Split rent. What do you say?"

Serenity and Arin looked at each other.

Serenity hopped in her seat and turned to the guys. "Hell yeah!" She cheered. She leaned over Arin and wrapped her arms around the guys.
After Serenity pulled away, the three looked at Arin. Arin sighed and adjusted their eye patch.

"No offense to Serenity, but if I'm moving out of residence I would like my own room." Arin glanced at Serenity, hoping she wasn't upset.

The group nodded and sighed together. There was another moment of silence.

"Why don't we look for a new place together?" Ferbie queried.

Fubble kissed his boyfriend and looked at the other two. "Yeah! We want to get outta here anyway. Let's look for a new place!"

Serenity smiled brightly and nodded. "I'm game. Arin?"

The group stared at Arin. Arin looked from Serenity, to the boys and finally, to their lap. They thought for a moment and nodded, looking up again. "Let's fucking do it."

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