Sea Creatures/Pirates AU

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Serenity took a deep breath in as her eyes fluttered open, waking up from her nap. Ugh, was her immediate thought. She brought her hands up to rub her face but instead of her hands she felt two squishy objects. She got a better look at her hands and groaned seeing two adolescent octopuses attached to her. Not again. She quickly swam her way towards the one person she knew who would help.

Serenity made her way into the cave. "Ferbie?"

Ferbie scuttled out from behind the corner. He took one look at Serenity and chuckled. "Again?"

Serenity nodded with a pout and held out her hands. Ferbie smirked and started guiding the young ones off of Serenity's hands. He used his tentacles to gently guide them towards the exit of the cave.

She rubbed her hands. "They just love me." Serenity sighed.

Ferbie chuckled again. "Oh yeah. I'm constantly hearing them talk about you." Ferbie brought himself over to some rocks in the formation of a couch.

Serenity shook her head and swam over to Ferbie, floating above him slightly. "I saw a ship on the way over here. Wanna go human watching?"

He shrugged and slumped in his seat. "I'm not really in the mood."

"Please?" She pleaded, grabbing Ferbie's hands to try and pull him up.

"Why can't you just go by yourself?" Ferbie used one of his tentacles to slap Serenity's hands.

She quickly brought her hands back and pouted. "You're the only one who can climb the ship." Serenity pulled Ferbie into a hug. "Please? You'll be my favourite septoman in the entire sea!"

"I'm the only septoman you know." Ferbie pushed Serenity off of him and begrudgingly started swimming out of the cave. "Let's go, Whiner."


The two sprung their heads out of the water as they got closer to the ship. Ferbie widened his eyes as they swam to the base. The skull and crossbones flag flew prominently atop the loud ship.

"Serenity!" Ferbie snapped once they reached the ship. "You didn't tell me this was a pirate ship. Do you know what they'll do if they see us?" He started getting nervous, remembering the tales he had been told of human pirates.

"Relax Ferbie. We can swim faster than they can. If they see us just release us from the boat." Serenity looked up at the lights and smiled at the music she heard. "Come on!"

Ferbie rolled his eyes and took a breath to relax himself. He held onto Serenity with help from a tentacle and used his suction cups to climb up the side of the boat. The two peered through a drainage slot in the ship. The large group, which appeared to be mostly men, seemed to be celebrating on the deck. Some were drinking excessively, others were dancing with the music playing. Soon a red haired person climbed up the mast with a mug in their hand. They turned to face the crowd and both Serenity and Ferbie noticed the person had an eye patch over their left eye.

They lifted their mug high, "GOOD HAUL MEN! DRINK UP!" The crowd cheered, each chugging their individual drinks. The person, still hanging, tossed their mug down to the crowd, followed by themself to be caught by the men.

Ferbie's eyes started to wander. Just a typical pirate celebration with nothing interesting to watch. He glanced at the men dancing, doing some sort of choreographed jig. The men parted in the middle, following the jig, and caused a clear line of sight to the musicians playing.

Ferbie felt his heart skip a beat as he laid his eyes on the man playing guitar. He wondered as he watched him play and sing the tune. Serenity glanced at Ferbie as she felt his grip loosen slightly. She noticed his red cheeks and followed his gaze, just seeing the guitarist before the crowd closed again. As Ferbie was getting out of his trance, Serenity felt him tighten his grip again.

"He was cute."

Ferbie blushed brighter and shook his head. "Shut up."

After a moment, a shaggy haired dog found his way to the two peeking out of the drainage slot. He watched them for a moment. Both Serenity and Fubble held their breaths, praying the dog wouldn't cause any trouble. However their hopes were thrashed as the dog let out a loud bark. Serenity screamed slightly as Ferbie released from the boat and the two plummeted into the water.

"Holy shit! What was that?" Serenity exclaimed, swimming circles.

Ferbie continued to stare at the bottom of the boat. "I don't know."

Serenity sighed, finally calming down. "Well that was brief. Let's go."

"You go ahead." Ferbie waved his hand as if to shoo her. "I have something to do."

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