Arin's Secret

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It was a quiet Saturday night, everyone was feeling incredibly lazy, having worked their individual jobs all day. The group sat in the living room, watching IT Crowd. It was a mutual decision that tonight was a stay at the apartment night. A knock echoed in the front door. Serenity groaned, taking it upon herself to answer the door. She opened the door and was met with a man with sagging pants and a Monster logo shirt.

"Can I help you?" Serenity asked, gripping the door handle tightly.

"Hey uhh I was told Arin lives here?" The man asked in a shaky voice. He seemed to have a problem choosing which area to stand in.

Serenity nodded. "Uh yeah. Come in." Serenity led the energetic man to the living room. "Hey Arin? You have a visitor?"

Arin glanced at the two and widened their eye. Ferbie and Fubble looked over and furrowed their eyes at Arin.

Arin cleared their throat and stood up. "Yeah. You wanted those notes." Arin crossed their fingers hoping their roommates would believe this was a student at Queen's. "They're in my room." Arin led the man down the hall.

The other three sat in the living room glancing between themselves and shrugging.

Arin glanced behind them to make sure their roommates weren't watching. They shoved the man into their room and gently closed the door behind them. "What the fuck are you doing here, Frank?!" Arin attempted to keep their voice at a low volume but stern. "What's my top fucking rule?"

Frank flinched. "Don't come to your place, Boss."

"Don't come to my fucking place. So why the fuck are you here? You look like you're drugged up. If you tell me you did your selling batch, I swear to God, Frank."

"He looked sketchy." Fubble mumbled. "I've never seen him around."

"I didn't like the way he bounced around. It made me feel uneasy." Serenity held onto her legs.

"Hopefully he won't stay long." He gripped onto Ferbie's shoulder a little tighter. Ferbie turned to kiss him on the cheek.

A moment later, they watched the two pass the living room and towards the front door. Arin let Frank out and went back to the living room. The group eyed them and each other. Soon enough, they went back to watching the show.


Arin poked their head into Serenity's room. "Hey. Can we talk?" Arin queried. Serenity nodded and gestured to the edge of her bed. They walked over to her bed and sat down with her. "I could tell that everyone knew something was up the other night. However, I don't really want to share with Ferbie and Fubble yet. You know?"

Serenity nodded slowly.

Arin took a deep breath. "My dad is coming into town to visit and to check out how I'm doing running this gang." They tried to glaze over the last part.

Serenity shook her head and sat up. "I'm sorry you're running a what?"

"I'm only telling you because I trust you and I need someone else in the apartment that knows. I don't think you're stupid enough to snitch." Arin rubbed their face and groaned. "The other night I could have used someone else to try and distract the attention from me." They paused to look at Serenity. "I'm kind of in charge of this drug ring. My dad got me the gig."

Serenity gaped at Arin, trying to process all of the news that was given to her. I guess that would explain their money. She chuckled lightly and looked at Arin. "So, what do you want from me?"

"To have my back. You need to keep my secret and help me hide it." Arin started walking around the room. "Also, I want you to come with me when my dad checks out the business. He was worried about me not making friends."

Serenity nodded slowly and bit her lip. She stared at Arin for a moment before putting out her hand. "Secrets safe with me."


"I don't think I've ever been in this part of town." Serenity stated as she walked with Arin towards an abandoned warehouse. "So is this-"

Arin shushed Serenity and guided her towards a side door. The two slipped into the building.

"Yes. This is the place." Arin answered the question Serenity was going to ask. Arin led Serenity down the hall. "So lay low. Gale said he was going to meet us here so I wouldn't be surprised if he was already here. Don't mess with anyone making Sugar Drops either. You can watch but don't touch anything."

Serenity rolled her eyes. "Okay okay. I'm not a child." She walked through the doorway with Arin. She looked around at the operation, dozens of people puttered around crafting this drug.

A larger man made his way towards Arin and Serenity. Arin took hold of his hand and shook it.

"Justin, this is my friend." Arin introduced Serenity.

Justin furrowed his eyebrows at Serenity and nodded. "Ya look familiar. Have we met?" Serenity started to blush, getting an idea of where he knew her from.

"Never mind that. Fill me in. Is Gale here?" Arin interrupted.

"Yes, Boss. He's going over some details with some dealers." Justin handed Arin some papers.

Arin nodded. They adjusted their eye patch. "Dismissed." Arin shooed Justin and turned to Serenity. They looked over the papers and nodded along as they read.

"So which one is your dad?" Serenity glanced around the warehouse. She ruled out any one who was making Sugar Drops. Her eyes landed on a tall blonde haired man in a leather jacket walking towards them. She bit her lip. "Is he the sexy one walking up?" She mumbled.

Arin looked over and shook their head in disgust. "Ew! Shut up." They stood straight as Gale walked up to them. "Hey!" Arin pulled him into a hug.

Gale kissed the top of Arin's head. "Hey kid. Good to see ya." He patted Arin's back a few times and pushed them off. "Talked to a few of your subordinates, seems like you run quite the tight ship." Gale pat their shoulder. "Proud of you."

Arin smiled brightly and nodded. "Thanks. Uh, this is my friend." Arin gestured to Serenity.

Gale took hold of Serenity's hand and gently kissed it. "Nice to meet ya."

Serenity blushed and giggled. Arin rolled their eye and took Gale's arm, guiding him away from Serenity. They started explaining the expansion ideas to Gale. Serenity looked around the warehouse again and examined the people making the drugs.

She sighed and zoned out a little. I can't believe Arin has been doing this all this time. This is crazy. Like something out of a TV show. I hope they're safe at least. Serenity turned to glance at Arin and Gale. Arin said they wanted to change before they went to dinner with their dad and Luke. So I assume we'll be outta here soon.

Serenity tapped Arin's shoulder. "Hey, I'm going to start walking to the car." She nodded to Gale. "Good meeting you. I'll probably see ya."

Arin rolled their eye. "I'll catch up soon." Arin turned back to Gale. He lingered his gaze on Serenity's back side as she walked away. Arin punched Gale's arm. "Stop being gross!" They groaned.

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