Death Star construction, Jabba the Hutt, Chewie captured

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3rd POV

Above the planet of Endor is the construction of a new Death Star a Stardestroyer heads forward and coming out of the hanger is an Imperial Shuttle with two Ties behind it heading for the Death Star at the cockpit a Pilot said "Command station, this is ST-321" The other Pilot move a lever "Code clearance blue" He turns the control "We're starting our approach".

The Pilot press a button "Deactivate the security shield" At a controls in the Death Star a Soldier said "The security deflector shield will be deactivated when we have confirmation of your code transmission" An Officer walks over towards him looking at the controls "Stand by" The screen shows the shuttle the Soldier press a button "You are clear to proceed" Showing the code.

The Pilot said "We're starting our approach" He flips a switch as the other Pilot flips a couple more switches on his right and they head for the Death Star with the Ties they fly towards a hanger the Ties veered off and the wings rise up into position and the siren blares the shuttle makes it into the hanger opens the landing gear and lands.

An Officer turns he said "Inform the commander that Lord Vader's shuttle has arrived" A Soldier said "Sir" He turns back and press a button while two rows Stormtroopers march forward towards two separate rows of Officers and the Commander name Tiaan Jerjerrod walks forward the Stormtroopers turn Tiaan walks pass the Officers and stops putting his hands behind his back.

Noises is heard Tiaan gulps standing then the ramp opens up slowly to reveal Darth Vader walking down the ramp breathing Tiaan said "Lord Vader, this is an unexpected pleasure" Vader walks pass Tiaan who follows "We're honoured by your presence" Vader wave his hand he said "You may dispense with pleasantries, Commander".

They walk pass the Officers "I'm here to put you back on schedule" Tiaan said "I assure you, Lord Vader, my men are working as fast as they can" But Vader said "Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them" They walk pass the Stormtroopers and Vader stops making Tiaan who said "I tell you this station will be operation, as planned" Vader breathes.

He stands in front of Tiaan who stares Vader said "The emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation" He points his finger at Tiaan who shake his head a bit he said "But he asks the impossible" He looks back "I need more men" Breathing Vader said "Then perhaps you can tell him when he arrives" Vader leans in more.

Shock at this Tiaan ask "The emperor's coming here" Vader breathes he said "That is correct, Commander, and he most displeased with your apparent lack of progress" Still shock Tiaan said "We shall double our efforts" Vader breathes again he said "I hope so Commander, for your sake" He points at Tiaan "The emperor is not as forgiving as I am" Vader turns leaving Tiaan who turns and walks to the Officers.

Meanwhile on Tatooine heading on a rocky path is R2, R3 and C-3PO they all move forward R2 whistles and R3 blips making C-3PO said "Of course I'm worried" He looks at them "And you two should be, too" C-3PO looks forward "Lando Clarissian, Fixer and poor Chewbacca never returned from this awful place" R2 looks around.

R3 beeps and whistles making C-3PO looks at him "Don't be so sure" In the distance is the palace of Jabba the Hutt "If I told you half the things I've heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you'd probably short-circuit" R2 whining and R3 whistles" They walk across the dry land up a hill until they reach the palace door walking up to it.

R2 beeps and whistles as R3 rolls up next to him C-3PO looks at them "R2, R3, are you both sure this is the right place" R2 shakes whistles looking at C-3PO and R3 beep and blip looking to C-3PO who raise his hand "I'd better knock, I suppose" R3 whistles and C-3PO knocks on the door "There doesn't seem to be anyone here".

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