Speeder Battle, Wicket and Aayla, Ewoks

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3rd POV

Meanwhile the four Scouts move forward with Alpha, Luke, Jyn, Leia, and Omega right behind them Jyn yells "We got to jam their commlink" Omega looks at the controls she ask "Which one" Luke yells "Centre switch" Omega does that while the four Scouts make a curve causing them to curve behind the Scouts went over a fallen tree.

Luke, Alpha, Omega, Leia, and Jyn all went underneath it passing more trees then Alpha increase speed Luke said "Move Close" Alpha does that with Leia, Jyn and Omega catching up "Get alongside that one" They pass a tree Alpha nods said "Okay" He gets close to the 4th Scout who looks back then forward and use his speeder to hit Alpha's "Ram me, huh" He move his speeder hitting the Scouts.

Leia, Omega and Jyn watch Luke stand but the 4th Scout hits them Omega yells "Watch out" Alpha and Luke hold on then Luke jumps landing behind the 4th Scout who said "Help" Luke shoves the 4th Scout off making him hit a tree Jyn and Leia look back then towards Luke who manages to get the speeder under control they continue to chase the three remaining Scouts.

They pass a few bushes as the three Scouts sway passing another tree with Luke, Leia, Jyn, Omega and Alpha following but little did they know they pass four more Scouts that chase after them swaying pass firing catching the five rebels attention, they look saw them Alpha said "I had enough of them" Luke looks to the girls he said "You three keep on those ones".

Luke nods behind him "Alpha and I will take these four" Leia, Jyn, and Omega nod as Alpha and Luke press the controls at the same time, they stop their speeders they pass the four Scouts causing them to look back then Luke and Alpha got their speeders moving they fire at the four Scouts while passing a few trees Alpha fires causing one speeder to crash into a tree destroying it.

He moves by Luke who fires hitting another one causing it to crash into another tree leaving two Scouts as Luke and Alpha continue heading towards them passing narrow gaps between trees going underneath another fallen tree making a turn while Leia, Jyn and Omega continue to follow the three Scouts.

Jyn yells "They're too far ahead" Omega tries to get a good look she ask "What do we do now" Leia thinking she said "Follow me" She made her speeder go up Omega and Jyn both follow her while the three Scouts look back then forward and they increase speed they look back again to see nothing they look back forward passing a few trees.

Suddenly the 3rd Scout got shot making him veer off screaming as the speeder crash into the tree as the 1st and 2nd Scouts look saw Jyn, Omega and Leia heading towards them firing again Leia went on the Scout left, Omega between them and Jyn on the 2nd Scout right the two Scouts look forward quickly they had enough of them.

They reach down and pull out their pistols they aim and fire towards Jyn, Omega and Leia who all avoided them, but the Scouts kept shooting until Leia speeder got hit, she yells "Aah" Falling off Omega yells "Leia" The 2nd Scout fires hitting Omega speeder causing her to fall off "Aah" Jyn notice yell "No" The Scouts fire hitting Jyn's speeder making her fall off.

Leia, Omega, and Jyn all hit the ground near each other as the Scouts look back to watch their speeders crash into three trees, they look forward only to scream as they head for a root of a fallen tree crashing into it seeing this Leia, Jyn and Omega all lowered their heads on the ground while Luke and Alpha continue to chase the two Scouts making a curve.

They are all side by side Luke at the front and Alpha at the back both ramming their speeders into the two Scouts they separate passing trees Luke glance towards them then he press a few buttons on the control and Alpha grips the handles going through a bush they went sideways to pass a narrow gap between two trees.

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