Ewok village, Luke and Aayla leave

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Cyberman POV

Next thing I knew the Ewoks had tied up Chewie, Han, Luke, and Alpha on long branches, R2 strap on a splint and the Ewoks made C-3PO and I chairs they are carrying us down a path we went down a long path hearing more Ewoks we stop at an edge to see houses in the trees an Ewok swings over and the Ewoks put me down a horn is heard.

Once a path is lowered the Ewoks picks me up and we are walking down a path we move to a stage like area we watch Luke, Chewie, Alpha put up against a hut and Han said "Ow" He was put over some rocks "Hey" I turn saw them put R2 down he squeaks turning his head I turn back saw more Ewoks moving over Chewie growls said "Rrrr" Alpha said "There's so many of them".

Chewie growls said "Arrrr" Then an Ewok holding a staff walks motioning the Ewoks to move Han said "I have a really bad feeling about this" C-3PO and I look to see the Ewok walks between us looking at Alpha's bow curious Alpha calls "Be careful with that" The Ewoke speaks Ewokese I turn to C-3PO who speaks Ewokese motion around.

The Ewok speaks Ewokese moving the bow around then motion forward Han ask "What did he say" I look at C-3PO who said "We're rather embarrassed, General Solo..." I stare at him "...but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in mine and Cyberman's honour" I turn back I said "That explains why Luke, Alpha and Chewie are not with you" Chewie growls said "Arrrrr" Spears aim at him.

The Ewoks start to sing in Ewokese putting some wood below Han then drums is heard I look saw Leia in a dress, Omega, Jyn and Aayla all come out noticing us Luke said "Leia" I saw Han look he said "Leia" Alpha look said "Omega" I said "Jyn, General" Leia, Jyn and Omega try to move forward but the Ewoks stop them speaking Ewokese and holding their spears forward.

C-3PO raise his arm he said "Your Royal Highness" Leia sighs said "But these are our friends" Omega said "It's a misunderstanding" Jyn looks to Aayla she ask "Can you do something about this" Aayla said "Let me to Logray" The Ewoks allowed Aayla to go forward she went pass me I said "General" Aayla said "Cyberman" She walk to the Ewok name Logray.

Aayla kneels down she speaks Ewokese to Logrey motion Han, Alpha, Chewie, and Luke shaking her head, but Logray shakes his head and motion the Ewoks to continue Aayla turns shaking her head as the Ewoks continue singing in Ewokese putting more wood under Han while Leia turn said "3PO, tell them they must be set free".

I look to C-3PO who turns to Logray as Chewie grunts shaking a bit and C-3PO speaks Ewokese to Logray who shake his head motion his hand I said "There goes that plan" A Ewok said "Eee, ya, ya ,ya" Putting more wood under Han who said "Somehow I got the feeling that didn't help us very much" Then Luke said "3PO, tell them if they don't do as you and Cyberman's wish, you'll bot become angry and use your magic" Alpha ask "They have magic"?

I knew what he means as C-3PO ask "But, Master Luke, what magic" I turn to him "We couldn't possibly" But I said "Just tell Logray, 3PO" I saw Aayla curious as C-3PO speaks Ewokese raising his arm catching the Ewoks attention then C-3PO lower his arms and he said "Boom" Raising both arms making the Ewok's speak Ewokese to one another.

But Logray motions two Ewoks who had torches went towards Han "You see, Master Luke" I look to Luke "They didn't believe me, just as I said they wouldn't" Luke nods to me Han said "Wait, wait" I stood up making the Logray looks to me I said "We try to warn you" I activate my arms charging them to make a red glow scaring the Ewoks in front of me.

Then C-3PO's chair is lifted and the Ewoks said "Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo" They move away Aayla stands up I said "Behold our magic" I saw Logray and another Ewok hide behind Aayla's who stares she looks to me I motion Luke who had his eyes close and Aayla realises I turn aiming my arms C-3PO said "Put me down" I turn scaring more Ewoks "Help, somebody" Alpha staring in awe.

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