Battle of Endor part 2

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Axel POV

After destroying another Tie, I saw the Death Star fires destroying a Rebel cruiser I grit my teeth then Lando said "Yes, Hera said closer" I turn my ship around "Move as close as you can and engage those Stardestroyers at point-blank range" I head for a Stardestroyer with Crazy and Chief while Ackbar said "At that close range, we won't last long against those Stardestroyers".

I press a com I said "We'll last longer against that Death Star" My ship shakes Wolffe said "Admiral Axel's right, we should take all of them with us" I saw a few Republic engaging Stardestroyers as Biggs said "Watch out for that shield", I saw Biggs lead two X-wings away from a shield deflector as it blows it while Arc 5 said "I got your back, Green 3" He fires saving a Rebel they fly pass.

Chief said "Let's take one out" I press a few buttons I said "Crazy, Chief head destroy those shield deflectors" They head for them Crazy ask "Where are you going" I said "I'm heading for the bridge" We sway dodging the gunners Chief and Crazy both fire destroying the shield defectors and I fire hitting the bridge pulling up making a chain reaction and the Stardestoyer blows up.

3rd POV

Meanwhile Aayla and Luke continue to watch the battle Sidious said "Your fleet is lost, and your friends on the Endor moon will not survive" Vader breathes as Sidious stares "There is no escape..." He shake his head " young apprentice" Luke stares at Sidious while Aayla turn to him, they look to Vader who stares "The Alliance will die..."

Luke breathes " will your friends" Aayla looks to Luke who slowly glances to his lightsaber "Good" Sidious closed his eyes "I can feel your anger" Luke looks to Aayla "I am defenceless" He glance back "Take your weapon" Sidious stares "Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete".

But Aayla turns back to the battle and Luke follows but he glances to Aayla who nods slightly they turn back use the Force to have their lightsabers go them they activate them just as Vader activates his and clash against theirs as the two Inquisitors activate their lightsabers while Sidious smiles laugh said "Ha ha ha ha ha".

Alpha's POV

Omega, Chewie, three Ewoks and I move out of the bushes and look to see an At-St firing at the Ewoks, Clones and Rebels I said "We've got to take those out" The Ewok's speak Ewokese to each other and Chewie growls looking Omega turns said "How about those two" We look to see two At-St's walking nearby I said "Come on" I lead them towards the two At-St.

We manage to get up a tree using a vine Chewie yells "Ah, eeyaheeyah..." He swings with the Ewoks holding on to him "...eeyaheeyah" I hold the vine with Omega holding on to me and an Ewok hugs my legs then she kiss my cheek I look at her Omega said "For luck" I nod looking back I said "Here we go" We swing the vine and landed on top of the At-St.

Chewie holds an Ewok he looks to me growling I understand what he means Omega ask "What's Chewie doing" I said "A way for us to get in" I grab the Ewok "Hold onto my legs" I lower the Ewok towards the hole he waves I pull him up "Get ready" Omega and the Ewok got ready as the hatch opens, I punch the driver dragging him out and toss over the edge he screams.

I saw Chewie did the same thing as the Ewoks enter the At-St and Omega and the Ewok enter suddenly both At-St move surprising me, and Chewie I look down "What are you doing" Omega said "We got to hurry" I climb in and close the hatch I move the Ewok out of seat and sit down I put the com on I ask "Chewie, can you hear me" Chewie roars.

3rd POV

A Droidbait yells "Come on" He, Hevy, Cutup, Clones and Rebels run with the Ewoks avoiding shots from a couple of At-St's but from behind Chewie, Omega and Alpha's At-St's aim and fire at them blowing up the heads Cutup notice he said "Look at that" The Ewoks, Hevy, Droidbait, Rebels and Clones watch the two At-St walks by the destroyed ones and them the Ewoks cheer and Hevy yells "We got the advantage".

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