Battle of Endor part 1

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3rd POV

Meanwhile at the Rebel Alliance an Arc fighter is flying pass a cruiser with Rebel and Clones ships along with the Millennium Falcon and the Ghost ship behind it they went under a freighter and a few transports they went over a Republic Cruiser the hanger opens up for more ships to come out joining in they pass more ships and cruisers.

Inside the Falcon is Lando, Fixer a Rebel and a Sullastan name Nien Numb who's sitting next to Lando who said "Admiral, we're position" Axel flips a switch looking forward he said "All fighters and leaders are accounted for" General Wolffe looks at clone who nods Wolffe turns the hologram on to show Ackbar who raise his head Wolffe said "All ships and cruisers are accounted for, sir".

Ackbar said "Proceed with the countdown" His chair turns to see Axel, the Falcon, Ghost, Rebels and Clones ships fly head "All groups assume attack coordinates" Fixer pressing a few buttons as Nien speaks Sullestanese looking to Lando who said "Don't worry" He wave his hand "Our friends down there" Fixer turns said "They'll get that shield down before we arrive".

Nien speaks Sullestanese looking down Lando said "Or this will be the shortest offensive of all time" Axel flips a couple of switches R3 beep and whistles catching his attention Axel said "Don't worry, R3" R3 turns to him "I'm sure, R2 and the others are all right" Axel looks forward "We have to focus on what's going to come".

Ackbar move his chair forward to the window Ackbar said "All craft, prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark" Axel nods said "All right, standby" He press a button then went into hyperspace with the Millennium Falcon, Ghost, Clones and Rebels ships right behind him as Wolffe turns going into hyperspace while 80 Republic Cruisers and the Rebel Alliance cruisers and ships all went into hyperspace to Endor.

Alpha POV

We move then saw an Ewok turning to us he whistles motioning us we head towards him the Ewok speakses Ewokese we look to see the secret entrance guarded by four Scouts staring Han ask "Back door, huh" I look down I said "Good idea" We move forward Omega ask "What should we do" Han said "It's only a few guards" He turn to us "This shouldn't be too much trouble".

Wicket speaks Ewokese to C-3PO who speaks Ewokese we stare forward Leia said "It only takes one to sound the alarm" Han turns he said "Then we'll do it real quite like" Jyn looking ask "What's the plan" Suddenly C-3PO said "Oh, my" We look at him "Princess Leia" Leia covers his mouth Omega ask "What's wrong" C-3PO turn he said "I'm afraid our furry companion has gone and done something rather rash".

I turn back and see the Ewok I said "I see him" Chewie roars Jyn ask "Where" I point to the speeders Leia said "Oh, no" We watch him get closer Han said "There goes our surprise attack" We watch the Ewok climb on a speeder starting it up catching Scouts attention they run but the Ewok got the speeder moving three Scouts got on their speeders and chase after him.

Jyn said "That's a good idea he did" Han turns said "Not bad for a little furball" We stare at him "There's only one left" He stands pointing at C-3PO "You stay here" He motions us "We'll take care of this" C-3PO walks over to where R2 and Wicket are C-3PO said "I have decided that we shall stay here" Omega ask "I hope that Ewok is okay" I look at her I said "If I guess he's escaped by now".

3rd POV

Meanwhile with the Ewok still on the speeder going forward it said "Whoo-whoo" The Ewok holds onto the handles "Yahoo" It sways up and down as the three Scouts chase after him the Ewok manages to sit on the speeder "Whoo whoo" He tries to keep balance waving his arm while the Scouts are behind him.

The 1st Scout fires hitting the speeder causing it to spin "Wa ha ha ha ha" Going pass a few trees with the Scouts after the Ewok who manages to get the speeder under control going forward as the Scouts fire again the Ewok looks up and grabs a vine swinging up "Wa ha ha ha" The Scouts continue to follow the abandon speeder.

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