Anakin's Funeral, Celebration

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Axel POV

Nighttime came Luke contacted me and I gather up Rex and all the Clones from the 501st Legion we all gather watching Luke and Aayla both walk forward holding torches towards Anakin in his Vader outfit on a pile of wood they put the torches on and they light it I, Rex and the 501st all salute watching the bonfire and see Anakin rest in peace I feel a hand hold mine I glance saw Aayla holding it and I tighten it.

3rd POV

Above the funeral and forest fireworks happen and fighters fly pass releasing more fireworks while on Bespin fireworks are displayed all the citizens are all celebrating a Storm VI flies pass then another going up while on Tatooine everyone is celebrating a shuttle flies pass while on Naboo the Gungans and Citizens all cheer a Gungan yells "Wesa free".

Meanwhile on Coruscant all citizens are celebrating in all streets and buildings with the Senate seen a transport flies by and a firework explodes causing the statue of Sidious to fall and in the distance the Jedi Temple fully repaired, and more fireworks are on displayed.

Meanwhile on Endor more fireworks are happening ships fly pass launching more on the surface Ewoks are celebrating dancing around the fires in groups and singing in Ewokese with Rebels and Clones joining in at the houses more Ewoks are celebrating with more Clones and Rebels an Ewok drumming and another using the helmets of a Scout, two Soldiers and two Stormtroopers.

A white Ewok does a cartwheel Lando and Han hug each other laughing, Chewie hugs Fixer who smiles hugs back, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Hevy, Cutup and Droibait, Alpha and Omega all celebrating with the Ewoks, Jyn and Cassian hug each other and kiss, Hera, Chopper, Sabine and Zeb are celebrating and dancing, Chief and Cyberman both fist bump each other before hugging.

Wolffe pats a Clone on the shoulder smiling at him as Rex joins talking to him smiling, C-3PO dancing with an Ewok looks to R2 and R3 who both beep and whistles with Wicket dancing, Chewie growls and hugs Lando as two Ewoks are dancing together while Luke, Aayla and Axel walking towards Han and Leia all smiling Leia hugs Luke as Han hugs Axel who smiles hugging back holding his helmet.

Aayla smiles at them as Lando talks to Chewie about the battle, Axel and Han broke the hug for Luke to hug Han who pat his shoulder as C-3PO turns around dancing, Wicket dancing with R2 and R3 Luke shakes Wedge and gives him a hug while Han and Leia both hug each other Nien patting a Rebel and Clone on their shoulders, an Ewok jumps.

Chewie and Wedge both hug each other as more Ewoks dance to the music, Wicket hugs both R2 and R3 while Axel watching the party smiling but he slowly turns around Aayla and Luke both notice and they turn with him, and they smile to see watching is Yoda and Obi Wan then suddenly Anakin appears before he became Darth Vader, he looks at us smiling.

Leia walks to the trio Aayla, Luke and Axel all notice and smile as Anakin, Yoda and Obi Wan all stare smiling while Aayla, Luke and Axel walk from their spots and join the party, Lando clapping, Han and Chewie sitting, Leia, Luke, Aayla and Axel all standing with C-3PO as R2 and R3 both in front of the group looking forward shaking excitedly.

Return of the Jedi is over I hoped you all loved it.

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