Rebel Meeting, Endor

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Axel POV

We made it to the Rebel Alliance heading for a meeting room we enter I saw Rebels and Clones talking to one another I saw Chief and Cyberman together I walk over to them I said "You two okay" Cyberman said "Yeah just getting the boys warmed up" Chief nods said "I also had some of our boys check all ships" I nod at them before walking.

I move over to where Lando is wearing a uniform then Han said "Well, look at you- a general, huh" Lando smiles looking down he raise his head Lando said "Someone must have told them about my little manoeuvre at the Battle of Tanaab" Han said "Well, don't look at me, pal" He tilt his head "I just said you were a fair pilot" I walk up to them I said "I request that Lando became a general".

Han and Lando turn to me I smile "We need all the help we can get for this" They nod Han said "I didn't know they were looking for somebody to lead this crazy attack" Lando said "I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it" Han moves he ask "Who says they didn't" He sits down "But I ain't crazy" He points "You're the respectable one, remember" He sits next to Chewie.

I look to Lando I said "He's got a point, Lando" Lando smiles then chimes is heard Lando and I both turn to see Mon Mothma who looks at every one of us Mothma said "The emperor's made a critical error, and the time for our attack has come" A hologram device rises "The data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoint the exact location of the emperor's new battle station".

The lights turn off in the middle for the hologram to appear my eyes widen a bit to see Endor appear and the Death Star "We also know that the weapon systems of this Death Star are not yet operational" I stare at the hologram "With the imperial fleet spread throughout the galaxy, in a vain effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected".

Mothma stares "But most important of all, we've learned that the emperor himself is personally overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star" I furrow my brows I grip my fist a bit glancing to see my brothers moved a bit and I look to Mothma who turn her head a bit "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" She stares forward.

I frown to hear this then Mothma turn "Admiral Ackbar, please" Ackbar walk forward he said "You can see here the Death Star orbiting the forest moon of Endor" Ackbar stood turning his head a bit "Although the weapon systems on this death Star are not yet operational, the Death Star does have a strong defence mechanism" We all stare at the hologram.

Ackbar takes a deep breath "It is protected by an energy shield which is generated from the nearby forest moon of Endor" He raise his hand for a yellow shield appear around the Death Star from the planet "The shield must be deactivated if any attack is to be attempted" Ackbar takes another deep breath "Once the shield is down, our cruisers will create a perimeter..."

Endor disappears for the Death Star to grew and the shield disappears "...while the fighters fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the main reactor" Shows blue light flies inside heading for the main reactor causing an explosion and the hologram disappears "General Calrissian and Admiral Axel have both volunteered to lead the fighter attack" Ackbar motion Lando and I.

Lando move his gaze and I nod my head Han said "Good luck" We look down to him "You're going to need it" I smirk at him then back Ackbar said "General Madine" Madine walks forward holding a cane Madine said "Thanks to Sargent Hunter and his team called the Bad Batch" I saw Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait together with Omega and Alpha both smiling at them.

I look at to Madine who turn "They have stolen a small imperial shuttle" Ackbar went to where he stood "Disguised as a cargo ship and using a secret imperial code, a strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator" Rebels and Clones murmur to one another C-3PO said "Sounds dangerous" I glance to Leia who said "I wonder who they found to pull that off" I smirk.

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