Chapter 2 'Narnia Bitch'

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sorry for my spelling and stuff :/ if you think im going to fast tell me and ill slow it down a bit

   Chapter 2

Jamies P.O.V

        I turned around and saw a guy running off with two kids i laughed. I turned back and was heading twords my tent, when i got in my tent I picked up and started reading. Aww they just kissed, why cant i have a boyfriend like that?   I threw the book to the ground screw love theres nothing but stupid happy endings and everything is just like a fairy tale. I want a real relationship one where sometimes we fight and make up with a kiss. Ugggh.

I unzipped my tent and started walking along the path that lead to the beach. I plopped down into the sand stumbling a little with the drop. I was so happy to be back here, i was walking up to the water when i tripped and fell face first into the sand "FUCKKKKKK!!!!!" I yelled as a rock jabbed me in the stomach. Standing up i looked off into the water i walked twords it again, i put my toes in the water it was slightly warm.

             When i got back to my tent i fell asleep, And soon woke to somthing unzip. I jumped up thinking someone was trying to get into my tent. No one was there, I realized it came from the window. But you cant open my window from the outside? And thats when it hit me Someone put there tent by mine.

          Going over to the window i plopped down onto my knees, my long hair whipping around my body. I slightly unzipped the window hearing the other side i opeaned mine all the way coming face to face with the same blonde hair blued eyed boy from the car. Lost in his eyes his voice poped me back into reality. "Hey" he said in a low sexy voice, say somthing back STUPID, i looked at him again "uhh hey" i said softly.

              "Do you remember me?" Confused i asked

"From the car yeah"

"Uhh not what i meant. I meant do you remember me from when we were kids?" Even more confused than before i didnt know what to say "no?......"

He looked dissapointed "Jamie how could you forget?"

He knew my name this was just weird "uhh mind explaning things to me this is really confusing."

He sighed. "Ok i guess ill start from the begining, i was about one when you moved next door to me. I came over with my mom that day when she said the new neibors had a daughter my age. After that day we did everything together. How do i know, becuase i like looking at old pictures from before we moved to California. When we were 5 is when my mom told me we were moving, I ran to your house and promised you that i would never forget about you. And we just moved back to Loundon, Tennessee about two weeks ago. Our moms started talking again but your mom said that you have been with your grandma the past 3 weeks. so we all desided to go camping, to give us a chance to be together again i guess."

          I looked at him "wanna show me round?" he asked

"Uhhh sure" i said as we both got up and walked out of our tents. "MOM, im going for a walk ill be back soon."

"Ok sweetie"

I leadned against a tree and waited "Hey there" He scared me and i jumped

"You scared the shit out of me gosh."

"sorry" He grinned

"Lets just go" I grabbed his hand as I started walking dragging him along.

We were walking along the trail it started getting dark out he looked at me "Isnt there a lake somewhere?" He winked

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