03 : The Progress

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Minjeong woke up the next morning by the sunlight that slowly emerged through her eyelids. She yawned loudly and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She reached for her phone on the table, her finger touched a pink post-it attached on its screen.

Urgent meeting. Here's my phone number, give me your list, I'll buy them later. There's breakfast in the kitchen. - Jimin

It was only 7.37 a.m., Jimin was off very early.

Minjeong got up from the couch stretched out her body in her way to the kitchen. Her smile widen at the smell of home cooking. Happily, she dug in. Jimin's cooked was actually really good. She made mental note to never accidently blurted that out to the lawyer. She munched her food while typing her order and sent it to Jimin.

Minjeong entered her room with unfamiliar perfume came through her nose. Vanilla, her favorite. Nice. The bed was made like no one slept there last night. She grabbed her towel and showered. She still had half hour to kill when she finished her morning routine before her usual time to go to hospital. Decided she had nothing else to do, she turned off the light and made her way to work.

"Minjeong-ah!" Minjeong stopped on her track finding Ryujin jogged towards her. "What's gotten into you? You're early," she said.

"Why? Am I not allowed to go in early? You should be happy, it's a progress."

"Are you saying that because Jimin has moved in, you make a good progress?" Ryujin teased her.

"Hey, It's me who made progress. How could you credit her for my hard work?" She replied. She could just slept longer like she always did but she was curious what Jimin made for breakfast and she had no desire to laze around. But of course Ryujin didn't need that information.

"Whatever you say, Min." Ryujin chuckled.

Aeri was the only person in the attending lounge, she was putting some coffee in the coffee maker. She was on call last night and she looked about to faint anytime soon.

"Aeri, are you okay?" Ryujin asked worriedly. "Come on sit. I'll make your coffee." Ryujin guided Aeri to the couch whilst Minjeong changed her clothes.

"I haven't sleep for two days. I'm so sleepy." Aeri whined weakly.

"Why do you make coffee then?" Minjeong asked.

"I haven't done my round. Need to be awake..." her words vanished, switched over with light snore. Ryujin and Minjeong exchanged glance, pressing their laughter.

"Let her sleep. I'll tell her resident to report it to her."

"Okay, here's your coffee, I'll make sandwich." Minjeong placed her cup on the table.

"I've had enough caffeine for today and I already had omelet. Thanks though, I'll do my round now, have to teach intern after. Lunch?" Minjeong said as she tied her running shoes.

"Sure," Ryujin replied shortly. She bore down her smirk as she continued making her breakfast. The Minjeong she knew wasn't like this, she often skipped breakfast because she was a terrible cook not to mention slacker who was too lazy to stood in line and queued for food though it just took ten minutes tops. Without a doubt it was Jimin who prepared it.


"Blunt or sharp trauma is more dangerous? Mr. Choi." Minjeong pointed the young man among the other hand raised.

"Blunt, I guess Dr. Kim." He answered unsurely. He made some funny face like he was going to to threw up. He was a brand new intern, below average if Minjeong might add. But as a teacher, it was important to her to made sure her student didn't screw with people lives.

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