13 : The Heart

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She gasped at the sight of small human leaned her head towards the wall cabinet whilst one hand holding a pot filled with coffee powder and another hand grasped a spoon. Her body was unmoving and her breath was steady.

She could tell that that girl was sleeping while standing.

She caressed Minjeong's hand successfully made the latter jump abruptly. Minjeong was startled by the sudden touch.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to surprised you." Jimin quickly saved the glass before it fell. "You sleep standing, Minjeong-ah. Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." She wiped her mouth. "I just wanted to make us some coffee." She yawned.

"What time did you get home last night?"

"I just got here..." she peeked her watch. "Fifteen minutes ago. Wow, that was the most effective sleep I've had in days." she rubbed her eyes. "I need to take a shower. Then I have resident case presentations, intern to teach, meeting with the boards and..."

Hatchim! Hatchim! Hatchim!

She blew her nose to the sink. She blinked a couple time as the tears formed up. Her eyes were sore, her nose and cheeks were reddened and she can feel her head lighter.

"Do you mind make the coffee? I really need them." Minjeong said with her eyes half open.

"I don't think coffee is a good idea." Jimin put the back of her hand to Minjeong's forehead sensing the burning sensation out of her skin. "You're hot."

"Thank you," Minjeong smirked weakly.

"What?! Not that hot," she shook her head furiously. "I mean hot- hot. You got a fever, Minjeong-ah." Jimin led her to the chair. The doctor slumped down as soon as her ass touched the wood. "Can you call in sick? You can't work in this state."

"Nah, I'm fine. It's just a cold. It'll go away in no time," she replied. "I have a lot of work, Yuji. I already canceled the skills lab twice. I can't disappoint them again."

"You've work too much lately. You need to rest, you're not a robot." Jimin brought two bowls as she swiftly took the cereal from the cabinet and a cartoon of milk from the fridge.

Minjeong had her head on the table. "I don't understand why most surgeons in Korea isn't interested in cardiothoracic surgery, they all join plastic or ortho or uro or general," she slurped her saliva. "My work is challenging, the money is not bad, I'm tired being all alone and Yujin will graduate next year. How am I supposed to do this year?" She mumbled, grimaced at the thought of handling the jobs all by herself.

"I want to help you but I honestly don't know what to do either, Minjeong-ah. Have you talked to the board about it?" Jimin poured some cereal and milk into the bowls and set it near Minjeong. "We run out of foodstuff, I'm sorry but we have nothing other than cereal this morning. I'll go do groceries later. Come on eat," she patted Minjeong's hand.

"I have, they said they're looking on the candidates right now. It's kind of hard, you know. We're a teaching hospital, they need specific requirement to hire people."

"Well then, hang on a bit more? Lets hope they'll find it soon."

She nodded. "Anyway, can you drop me off at the hospital later? I wont shower long, I don't have energy anymore to walk," she spooned her cereal.

"No, I still think you need proper sleep. Don't be too stuborn." She said sternly. "Should I call Aeri?"

"I'm fine, Yuji. I have things to do, my body is just fine."

"Well then whatever, just don't call me and say you're sick."

Minjeong walked - more like dragging her feet to the entrance of hospital looking like zombie. Jimin shook her head in annoyance as the sight of Minjeong disappeared inside the building.

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