24 : The News

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It was funny. She only knew her for over a year but how come it felt like they've been together since forever?

One thing among all that she loved about Minjeong was her 'straight to the point' personality. Minjeong could be intentionally cheesy sometimes but mostly, she only said what she had in her mind without sweet-talking intended.

Minjeong didn't have words to say when Jimin was sad or angry but she did have a pair of arms to hold her and a shoulder for her to rest. Her ears were ready twenty four seven to listen to whatever she wanted to talk about and most importantly, she had Minjeong's heart as a place she could come home to.

"Yuji-ah?" Minjeong's fingertips touched her face softly, her eyes were anxious- searching for any rejecting sign.

"Why me?"

A soft smile drew upon her face. "You are the love that comes to me without warning, Yuji. I didn't prepare myself for you, I never knew I'd fall for you but you're there. You catch me when I fall even way before I trust you. I'm in love with you. I'm in love with myself. And it's hard to love myself as me but you make it so easy it's surreal."

"Kiss me."

Minjeong was confused, she was asking the question, wasn't Jimin aware of the distress in her heart? Why didn't she answer straight yes?

"Kiss me," she repeated.

Minjeong did what she told. Jimin closed her eyes as soon as their lips touched. Her kiss was gentle and tender. Her tongue was exploring every inch of Minjeong's lips, tracing every curve, savoring the sweet taste of it. She was hungry.

"Yes," she whispered against Minjeong's lips. "I'm yours for eternity."

A wide smile formed on her lover's face.


"Yes," she nodded emotionally.

She took the ring out of the box and slipped it through her finger.

"Mine for eternity," she took her hand and kissed the ring with all her heart. Jimin once again brought her face to Minjeong's.

"Love me, Minjeong," she mumbled. Her breath was getting heavier by each contact Minjeong made on her skin.

"A- are you sure?" she stuttered.

"Love me, take me, all of me. And let me love you too."


She whistled through the Surgery Department aisle. The grin never left her face. There were no yelling nor sarcastic comments in the morning report she led. She forgave the mistakes her resident made during surgery. She treated her friends to free pizza. She even let them purchase take away two boxes each.

"You're extra happy today."

"You should buy us lunch more often."

"Unnie, can I have those cakes too?"

"Sure Wonnie," she nodded.

"Take whatever you want."

"Really?! Woohoo! Unnie you're the best!"

"Seriously, what happened to you? You're so not you today," Ryujin commented.

"I'm just happy and I love you guys so what's my crime?" Minjeong laughed.

"Fine, whatever. It's free food so I'm not complaining."



"She just asked me that's all," she shrugged nonchalantly but the shy blush on her cheeks betrayed her.


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