26 : The Preparation

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"How's the surgery going?" Jimin removed her earrings then put them securely in place.

"Good, his heart is good enough to do the repair. He's still in ICU, but if everything is well then he can move to his room tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" She was surprised. "Isn't that too fast?"

"I said if everything is okay, didn't I? My resident just called me, he's awake now, on the support system but he's alright. You can see him tomorrow."

"If I have some time left then maybe I'll stop by."

Minjeong didn't reply, she sighed and dropped her half tired body on the mattress instead. Her legs were still hanging at the edge of the bed.

Jimin, who was still in her dress, sympathetically watched her fiancée stroking her stiff forehead. She took a seat beside her then laid down on her trunk, facing Minjeong. "Tired?"

"Very." She replied shortly.

"Come here," Jimin slipped her left arm under Minjeong's neck as her other arm pulled her by the waist to shorten their distance. Jimin silently massaged Minjeong's head gently. Minjeong closed her eyes, enjoying the pleasant treatment.

Today, she had two surgeries, a joint case with other departments, meeting with the hospital board discussing the Sue of her friend's case, visited her patients, had a quick dinner with her parents and parents in law, and lastly she had to drive them to the airport. Jimin offered to do the driving but she refused.

She could feel her feet burning because it aching badly. Her mood was bad due to her tiredness yet she couldn't stop the smile that crept out her lips from the memory of the dinner tonight.


"Yes, honey?"

"8th November, huh?"

"So, do you guys have a specific date?" Jimin's father asked at the family dinner.

Minjeong and Jimin exchanged glances, but they hadn't had the chance to discuss it. Blame it on the awesome physical activity that left them unconscious for hours. Since sex was a new experience to Jimin and Minjeong, both just seemed couldn't stop doing it in every possibility they got.

"Well?" The elders all demanded it.

"8th November," they replied simultaneously.

"Did you just-"

"How come-"

Minjeong and Jimin burst out laughing. Minjeong raised her hand and asked for a high five, which Jimin gladly clapped.

"Great minds think alike," they grinned.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Kim questioned.

"We just decided the date now, mom," Jimin smiled sweetly.

"Excuse me?"

"We decide it without discussing it first, and I think it's settled, right dear?" Minjeong chuckled.

"I would love to make my vow to you on that very fateful day."

17th November was the day of the first time they laid their eyes on each other and that date just popped in their head unplanned.

"17th November." She grinned widely. "Five months to go, Minjeong-ah."

"Should I change your name in my phone to... lets see... hot mama?" She let out a laugh and slipped out.

"Yah!" She pouted, objecting to the idea.

"No? Well... what then?"

"I don't know, you tell me." She acted sassily but the soft pink that radiated from her cheeks said otherwise.

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