11 : The Torture

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"Yuji?" Minjeong's face popped up to the latter room, forming a frown by the messy clothes everywhere. "Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

"Hey, Minjeong-ah, I'm sorry I didn't heard you." Jimin walked out from her bathroom as she sat at the edge of her bed. "Welcome home," she welcomed her with a sweet smile as always. "Tired?"

"Not really. Where are you going?"

"Japan, first flight tomorrow morning. Urgh! I hate it when my boss order me to go somewhere last minute!" She groaned. "He's sending me to the Annual Lawyers Meeting in Tokyo."

"Japan? Why didn't you tell me?" Just the thought about being alone in her own house without Jimin troubled her.

"Last minute order, MJ. He informed me this morning. I'm sorry."

"So no weekend for us?"

"I'll be back with a bag full of jelly?" Jimin tried to negotiate.

"You know I would rather not eat jelly than to have you away." She leaned on the doorway folding her arms. "I thought we'll laze around and order Chinese food and watch movie all day?"

"Our plan was doing laundry and rearrange the living room together, Minjeong-ah. None of that stuff you say." Jimin increased her brow.

"Whatever. We won't do that anyway. You're going to Japan and leave me alone at this stinky house," she spoke sarcastically.

"It is not! Our house is not stinky! I put automatic perfume at every corner!" She sulked. "What?!" she glared at the short girl who was grinning widely.

"You said our house," she stated simply.

"I did?" Jimin blushed hard as she bowed her head to hide it. "I'm sorry, I mean your house." She mumbled quietly.

"Why are you sorry? I'm really happy you said that, it means you have a feeling that you belong here. It's mine, yours, ours." The doctor smiled softly making Jimin reddened even harder. She fought hard the urge to hug Jimin right here and now.

"Thank you," she uttered the appreciation sheepishly.

"May I sit beside you?"

Jimin scooted over to make some space for her.

"When will you be back?" Minjeong questioned- ignoring the tingling feeling on her knee which was in contact with Jimin's.

"Sunday night, though I don't have anything to do at day. I don't even get the chance to book my own flight." She sighed. "I'm sorry, Minjeong-ah."

"Why are you keep saying sorry? It's not your fault."

"I know. Will you be okay when I'm away?"

"I am a big girl, I can be on my own." Minjeong put her hand on her chest and nodded solemnly earning a soft shoved at her arm from the latter because of her silly antics.

"Go to sleep, Yuji. It's getting late and you need rest."

"I will, just need to put these clothes in the suitcase and I'll go straight to bed."

"Okay, I'll drive you to airport. Wake me up?"

"You don't have to do that, you can use an hour or two to sleep, Minjeong-ah."

"Don't argue with me, just wake me up, Yuji." Minjeong made her way to the door. "Goodnight," she smiled as she bid her goodbye.

"Goodnight, Minjeong."

Minjeong yawned as she leaned closer to the steer wheel bearing down her sleepiness. She blinked a few times to prevent the tears blurring out her vision.

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