14 : The Frustration

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MJ 08.17

Which one is better?

She sent three of handbags picture.

Yuji 08.21

Neither, why?

'Just asking your opinion. What are you doing?'

'Preparing meeting with client. What are you doing? Still in morning report?'

'Yep. What about this one?'

Jimin looked at the branded black elegant handbag. It was really pretty.

'Or this one?' Came another chat with picture attachment.

Jimin frowned.

'What's with you and these bags?' She typed.

'I'm into fashion. So?' She asked impatiently.

'Yeah, and I'm not scared of scary movie.' She replied sarcastically.

'Which one?' She ignored the remark.

'The forth one is simple yet classy. It'll look good on you.'

'Do you like it?'

'Why does it matter?' She chuckled.

'Do you like it?' She repeated.

'I like it.'

Minjeong put her phone on the table and focused her attention to the presentation.

"Mr. Kang, 33 y.o, admitted to the hospital last night due to blunt injury on anterior thorax sinistra and penetrating injury on lateral thorax dextra. He brought in by a civilian directly to the hospital. Vital sign: GCS: 12, RR: 34x/m, Pulse: 129x/m, BP: 90/50mmHg."

The 3rd year resident showed the audience the pictures of the patient.

"Vesicular sound on the right chest decreased and there's slightly deviated trachea to the left. We put on IV line, RL 40 gtt/m, 8L of oxygen on NRM, then we performed decompression by inserting 18 gauge needle on the second ICS of the right chest. The patient's stable for couple minutes before fall in shock, we performed resuscitation but no improvement. Patient died on 00.47 KST."

"How's the heart?" Minjeong asked.

"Excuse me, doctor?"

"The heart."

"Well... Umm, we uh, the heart is uh," he sputtered.

"That patient died due to the cardiac tamponade. Want to know why I know that? I did the autopsy with the forensic team this dawn." She folded her arms. "Did you or did you not examine his heart?"

"Well there's no- I mean..."

"Ultrasound?" She sneered; the conference room fell into an awful silent. He bowed his head deeply. "Don't you have eyes and ears?" She increased her brow.

"Dr. Seo, what sign do you need to find out from this patient?" She shouted, asking her favorite resident at the front seat.

"Jugular vein distention, doctor."

"What do you wish to hear from the heart sound of this patient?"

"Muffle heart sound, doctor."

"See?" She tapped her pen on the table. "I believe it is not that hard. You're a doctor, you see it everyday, you already pass the ATLS so I don't understand why this such stupid thing, happen!" She finally yelled. "We're talking about a living human being here, people!"

"I'm not asking you to be a god, I'm asking you to be a freaking doctor! You choose this path now be responsible for it!"

"I do not wish something like this happen again in the future, you hear me?" she looked at the young doctor nodded their head in sour expression. "Morning report's done. Now get back to work." She dismissed them as she got up from the chair and walked towards the attending lounge.

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