04 : The Kindness

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"She's still mad at you? Clamp please," Aeri asked but never took her eyes off her unconscious patient.

"Kind of, I didn't know she didn't bring her phone nor her wallet, okay?" Ryujin replied.

"What happen anyway?" Chaeryeong looked up from the magazine she was reading.

"She came to my apartment that day, pissed off and everything, when I asked about it she wouldn't say anything. Then we played video games and she got better then I asked again, she told me that she had a fight with Jimin for some stupid reason. I know it wasn't my place to interfere them but I can't help it. I literally kicked her out to fix their thing. The next morning all she said to me was 'you're not my friend anymore.'"

Aeri asked the nurse to wiped her sweat. "Ah, there's a little bleeding here," she mumbled to herself.

"Who's Jimin?" The red haired girl asked again.

"Her soon to be wife slash fake girlfriend slash mortal enemy depends on who asked," Aeri explained.

"How come I wasn't informed about this?" Chaeryeong frowned.

"You're too busy sedating people."

"Hey, I'm making a living, you know."

"You make people sleep, pleasantly sit in OR doing your endless crosswords while we're doing the real work here." Aeri stated as a matter of fact.

"I told to you to join anesthesia not surgical. Your fault not mine." Chaeryeong waved her hand nonchalantly. "So what about this Jimin?"

"We don't know anything yet aside from that. We have never seen her." Ryujin said.

"Now it most likely we couldn't meet her anytime soon. Thanks to Ryujin."

"Yah! It wasn't entirely my fault."

"Half of it."

"Guys, we're in the middle of surgery here. Stop bickering, would you? Aeri, how long will you finish?" Chaeryeong checked watch.

"Give me a minute then she's all yours, Ryujin."

"Good, tell me more about this later." Chaeryeong whispered to Ryujin.


Minjeong was writing on her patient chart when Ryujin approached her.

"I'm still not talking to you." She said flatly.

"Minjeong, it's been days. You can't give me a silent treatment forever."

"Watch me."

"It's not fair!" Ryujin groaned. "You threw me to the garden pond in front of hundred people when we were in college. I forgave you!" Ryujin pouted.

"Remember how long it takes for you to accept my apologize? Months. Besides, it was your birthday."

"Not the point."

"It wasn't just me. The kids also contributed in it." She stated the fact.

"But you're the brain! You made that idea and you bribed them with food to do your evil plan! Ha!"

"Who told you that?" Minjeong frowned.

"Chaeryeong and Aeri. Now, we're even."

"Aish traitor," she muttered. "Buy me lunch and I call it even." Minjeong smirked naughtily.


"Take it or leave it, Ryujin." Minjeong gave the chart back to the nurse and started to walk away.

"One lunch and that's that, Kim Minjeong!"

Minjeong's smirked wider.


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