16 : Over

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The bell on top of the door clinked as the waitresses welcomed the customer in unison. Minjeong removed her jacket and gave it to one of the employees. He accepted it and bowed a bit before disappearing to the small room where all the coats and jacket were stored.

"Reservation under Yoo," she informed the neat waiter as he guided her to their table.

Her mom waved at her excitedly. She told the waiter that it was okay for him to leave, she already found her family.

She greeted her family, giving them hugs one by one. Jimin was absolutely gorgeous tonight - she always was though. Minjeong softly touched Jimin's back and kissed her temple giving her a loving smile. She wasn't even aware of the surprised look their parents threw at them.

Minjeong sat beside Jimin and took her hand in hers. "What did you order?" Minjeong asked as she put her phone on the table.

"Broccoli Alfredo Stuffed Shells for you and Apple Cranberry Walnut Salad for me, Raspberry Sunrise Smoothie for me and mineral water for you," she answered.

"Is your food even suitable for dinner?" Minjeong scrunched her face.

"Yeah it is, I'm on a diet, remember? I've gained weight."

"And I don't remember agreeing with you. Your body shape is just fine, even if you do gain weight it doesn't matter. I don't want you to starve, you'll get sick."

"Well... we can always share your food?" Jimin soothed Minjeong's thigh, she didn't want to argue in front of their parents.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Minjeong-ah, from what I heard, you really like smoothies." Jimin's dad said.

"She does, daddy. But she doesn't like it when she's having a heavy meal." The lawyer answered.

"Yeah," Minjeong chuckled. She felt less awkward with Jimin's parents after having dinner with them a couple days ago. "Anyway, thank you for picking Jimin up dad," she smiled at the older guy version of her. "I was going to go but you know... emergency surgery and all."

"Aah don't mention it, it's my pleasure, darling." He squeezed her arm.

"We wanted to come to Seoul for your birthday, Minjeong-ah, but your dad said that you didn't celebrate your birthday so we canceled the plan," Jimin's mom cautiously spoke.

"It's fine, mom. It's not a big deal, thank you for your consideration." She grinned.

"Jimin said you're working on a heart project?" Jimin's dad asked in curiosity. "Something with growing it?"

"Uh that, yeah I'm working on the proposal right now but with work and all it's kind of out of my hand so I'm taking it slowly."

"How does it work?"

"Well... we try to strip out the cell from a donor organ leaving the connective tissue that used to hold the cell in place. It's called decellularization then we reseeded it with the recipient's own cell hoping that it would regenerate without tissue rejection," Minjeong described her project in a way that she thought was the easiest for common people to understand. Jimin was playing with her hand under the table feeling proud of the way Minjeong explained it.

Not long after, their food arrived. The waiter who wore a suit came and presented the meal on the table. They thanked him and started to dig in.

Minjeong cut her shell smaller and offered the first spoon to Jimin. Jimin threw her a questioning look but ate it anyway.

"Aww, you guys are so sweet!" Minjeong's mom clapped happily.

"Oh no mom, I just want her to taste it first so if there's poison in it, she'll be the first to pass out," Minjeong shrugged earning a shove from her partner making her laugh. "I'm just joking," she unconsciously kissed the side of Jimin's head.

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