Chapter One

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I stared up at the sky. The moon, it is... brighter than usual. Tonight, it is full and ever so beautiful. It looks back down at me, as if it is watching over me. I feel it gives me a great power. My blood pumps through my veins unlike ever before. I smile gently. The moon is a good thing indeed...


I don't know how to start, so I'll just start here. My name is Blade, Blade Ambers. I live in Colorado Springs. I'm 16 years old, and a Sophomore at Watterson High School. My favorite animal (and not a surprise because of where I'm from) is a Wolf.

So, I woke up late for school (again), and I missed my bus. My older sister, Chesney, had to drive me to school. I would have myself but I failed my driver's test and I still need to retake it. I can tell you, she wasn't very happy. She started nagging me about "responsibilities" and "waking up 3 hours late is not even an excuse". Sisters.

After getting into the car, we started off to the high school. As we went, I could see multiple forest animals, such as deer and rabbits and wolves. Yeah, wolves. I always get excited when I see one, even though every day for my whole life I see one as we go to school. I love to lie in my bed at night and hear them howl at the moon. For some it can be creepy, but for me it's really peaceful.

Anyway, I finally made it to school. Thankfully, it was passing time and everyone was in such a hurry they didn't see me come in. All except for my best friend, Dallas. When he saw me, he grinned and walked over to me, practically shouting over the commotion in the process.

"Hey, if it isn't Ambers. I thought you'd never show. " He slapped me on the back, and I winced. He's a really strong guy, and I bet he left a mark. I rubbed my back and looked behind him impatiently and said, " Hey, Dallas. Uh, I'm kind of in a hurry right now... I need a late card. "

He laughed. " Wow, you're never this responsible. Well, I'll let you go... I don't think you can take in any more tardys without getting into some trouble. " We high-fived each other before parting ways. Dallas is always there for me, no matter what. I rushed into the office and rang the little bell the secretary always keeps on the desk. In moments, a short blond woman was at the desk. " How may I help-" she stopped short and glared at me. "Oh, it's you again. Alright, I know what you want, I'll be right back..." I couldn't help but smile as she immediately ran off into another direction. Even the secretary was starting to get to know me.

She reappeared within a few seconds with a little red card. She placed it in front of me. No time to get another lecture, I quickly said thanks and dashed out the door. I got to class a few minutes late. The class stared at me awkwardly as I slinked into the room. The teacher had already begun teaching, so I just shoved the card on her desk and slumped over to my desk. So far, this day is starting to be a real drag.

Finally. The last bell rang and I ducked out of the classroom. As I gathered my things from my locker, Dallas came over to me and said, "Hey, Blade, wanna walk home with me today?" I nodded a yes and shut my locker. We live right next to each other, so we usually walk home together. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and we headed out. As we were walking, Dallas pointed to the forest. "Hey, look Blade."

I peered to where his finger was aimed at and found a wolf just sitting there. It stared at us with its hazel eyes before disappearing into the forest. "That was weird, " I muttered. It's really rare to see a wolf come so close to town, especially in broad daylight. "Yeah, well, we're in Colorado. I guess it's not too much of a surprise." Dallas motioned for us to keep walking.

By the time we made it home, it was about 3:45. I said goodbye to Dallas and went into my own house. My sister was already home. She was on her phone, sprawled out on the couch. When I closed the door, she finally looked up. "Homework?" she asked.

I thought for a moment. "No. "

" Get into trouble? "

" Besides being late, no. "

" Kay. " without further questioning, she stared at her phone again. Every day to keep me organized, my mom and dad make my sister ask this stuff every day after school. I guess I deserve it. If she didn't do this, I would probably be doomed.

I went into my room, and plopped my stuff on the floor. I threw myself onto my bed and stared around my room. I dragged my eyes across the walls (which are covered in Wolf and video game posters) until my eyes settled on my window. I walked over to it and looked out. Trees. That's all there was. I looked at the ground and raised an eyebrow. A wolf again. Out of the woods, and this one has hazel eyes, too. Maybe it was the same one, but I couldn't be sure. I stared at it and it stared back, it's curious round eyes scanning me. Finally, it merged into the bushes again. Shaking my head, I looked at the clock. I blinked. 5:56, it read. Time seemed to pass me by, and I realized I was hungry. I made my way into the kitchen and ate a bowl of cereal. Feeling very tired, I went straight to bed, even though it was only eight thirty. I went to sleep, but right before I was out cold I had a very odd feeling, as if someone was watching me.

That's weird, I thought. But I had already begun dreaming.

Wolf: The Story Of Blade AmbersWhere stories live. Discover now