Chapter Nine

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Dallas' POV (Continued)

I slowly backed away from Blade (or what there was of him) and went for the box. He stared at me with such rage, I could have fainted on the spot. I gingerly drew a silver knife from the box and stood up. The werewolf eyed the blade in my hands and snarled at me. "So, you think you can kill me? Good luck with that. I doubt you'll even make a scratch! " He lunged for me, and I quickly rolled out of the way.

"Blade? Blade, can you hear me?" I attempted several times, only to get a howl of anger in response. Evading another of the Wolf's attacks, I wondered how I could possibly make a dent in that thing. If I stopped to stab at him while he was lunging, I'd be toast. I glanced at the trees and lit up.

I nimbly ran over to a tree and grabbed a branch off of it. Taunting him, I moved closer to him. When he prepared to lunge, I smacked him right in the face with the branch. The sharp points scraped his eyes and made him stumble. I quickly went behind him and stabbed at his backside. But he was ready. In the blink of an eye he was behind me. Before I could locate where he was, he smashed my back with his fist with such force that I flew several feet until I hit a tree. I was certain I heart a cracking noise in my spine as well as my ribs. I slid down the tree until I sat near the trunk. I wiped some blood off of my mouth. "Is... that the best you got?"

It growled at me. "I wasn't even trying, weakling."

My vision blurred and I felt really sleepy, but I shook my head. I could only rest when I killed this monster. For Blade. The werewolf pounced, as to finish me off, but I rolled to the side, causing him to slam into the tree. It broke with a crack and fell right on the stunned creature. For a moment, all was silent. Suddenly, he emerged with a roar, his eyes glowing blood red. He lifted the debris as if it was a twig and hurled it in my direction. I managed to squeeze out of the way just before it crashed to the ground with a enormous THUD! I whipped around to glare at him. "C'mon, Blade! Snap out of it before you snap me!"

Apparently, the Wolf found this funny, for he made a weird barking sound in the back of his throat that sounded like chuckling. "Oh, shut up," I mumbled, rubbing my injured back and ribs.

The Wolf suddenly whipped around to face me. "No more playing around. Now I'm really hungry." He drooled at me, and I grimaced fearfully. Disgusting. Suddenly, he rushed at me with inhuman speed and knocked me aside. I drew a long line in the dirt with my body as I dragged against the ground. I think he knocked the wind out of me, because I couldn't breathe for a short while.

Slowly, I got to my feet. I stared him down, and he stared back. He was slowly advancing on me. I don't know why, but I had a feeling that Blade was still in there somewhere.

"Blade, please listen to me! I know you're still in there... you have to fight for control! Remember that I'm your friend. You got this!"

The Wolf stopped. He looked really confused. He shook his head, growling to himself. I brightened. If he can fight that thing, maybe he can take control again...

But, it was only moments before the Wolf had taken over again and was after me. I dodged him a few more times, encouraging Blade to keep fighting. Whenever I motivated him, the werewolf seemed to hesitate and stop moving. However, in the end, the Wolf always seemed to take over again, and now I was really exhausted. I can't keep this up for much longer, I thought tiredly.

A red haze was blurring my eyesight and I couldn't really think straight. I looked back at the Wolf, and he seemed stronger than ever. While I was thinking, the thing caught me off guard and swatted a huge part at me. I flew few ways before landing on the ground with a horrifying thud.

At that moment, I knew what to do. It would end now. I propped myself up with a nearby tree and watched helplessly as the creature charged at me with great speed. I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I wasn't afraid anymore. In fact, I felt confident in myself. When it was only a few feet away from me, claws extended, I brought my arm straight out, knife glistening in the moonlight.

The Wolf had made it to me by then. It took its claws and slashed out at me furiously. You could hear the sound of a knife sinking into flesh ring out into the forest. The Wolf shuddered, and its eyes faded from red to a soft hazel. He looked first at the blade in his chest then at me. "Th-thank you... Dallas."

He closed his eyes and collapsed to the ground, making the earth quiver. Finally, all was quiet. I smiled to myself.

I did it.

I looked down at the long, deep slash marks on my chest. "Better me than anyone else..." I closed my eyes, but didn't sleep. Nothing mattered to me now but Blade.

Blade's POV

I woke up only to squint as the sunlight burned into my eyes. I shielded my eyes and sat up. I was still in the forest. Also, I was alive, so that was a plus.

Then, I realized I was naked. Blushing, I scrambled over to my shredded clothes and wrapped a piece of fabric over my waist. I turned and noticed Dallas watching me. "A-Ah! You didn't see anything, you hear?!" I grabbed my shred of clothing and went red.

"Heh... Don't make me laugh, kid. It hurts too much. " He smiled gently, but his eyes were closed. I looked at him closer and gasped.

There was four long, red marks across his chest, and all were bleeding terribly. I crouched down and looked at him, horrified. I could see that his face was really pale, and his breathing was shallow and unsteady. "Dude, hang on, I'm going to get help. Just please, don't..."

"No... You don't. You can't." He opened his eyes a crack. "It's... Too late. Blade."

Streams of tears rolled down my cheeks. "No! Don't leave! You can't! I'm so sorry, this is all my fault... I hurt you... I hurt you! "

Dallas merely widened his smile. "It's okay, buddy. It's okay. It's time for me to let go."

"No! No, please... You can't just... " I sobbed and collapsed on his shoulder. I could hear him say something, I just couldn't make out what. Then, his speeding heart stopped. I pulled away from him but didn't stop crying. "Dallas..." his eyes were closed again. Shaking, I scooped him up in my arms. I had a bleeding scar on my chest as well, but do you think I would stop? No. I picked that kid up and carried him all the way home.

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