Chapter Eight

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Five days passed since the last encounter with the wolf. I started to worry. I couldn't concentrate on school as well as anything else. Finally, on the sixth day, I walked out of school with Dallas. He stopped suddenly and pointed a shaking finger at the woods. I followed his gaze and was relieved yet fearful to see the wolf sitting there, waiting. Tonight is the night. I suggest getting prepared immediately to wait. He disappeared into the woods once more. Sighing, I repeated to Dallas what he said. We jogged to Dallas' house and grabbed his box of weapons. We ran out the door again and into the woods.

When we finally broke into the clearing, the wolf was already waiting. He was accompanied by four smaller gray wolves, each in a neat, organized line. Dallas looked worried, so I patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's alright. They won't hurt us as long as I'm here."

He relaxed, and we went to sit on the bench next to the wolves. The smaller ones stared hungrily at Dallas, but a warning growl from the larger one made them turn away. The biggest wolf, the one I knew, growled, "All we can do now is wait. Your friend should probably tie you to this tree. It won't hold you down, but it will give him some time to attack you."

Nervously, I translated to Dallas. He looked worried but ran back home to get some rope. Shaking, I waited until his return. He came back with a long, thick rope. "Sorry," was all he said to me before wrapping me tightly to the tree. I tried not to move, but the ropes were rubbing into my skin, causing them to burn. And so, we waited for the moon to rise into the sky. While we waited, Dallas broke the silence, saying, "Dude, before I... kill you, I just wanna say some stuff."

I looked at him. "Of course."

He took a deep breath. "Well, I just wanna say... Sorry. I feel weird killing you. That's normal, I guess... but, what if you never come back? What if I kill you for good? Seeing you tied to a tree like this- it's just not right. I don't know, bro... for the first time in a long time, I'm-I'm scared." He looked like he was holding back his tears, but they were already welling up in his eyes.

I smiled at him. I would have put my arm around him for comfort, but my arms were tightly bound. "Dude, we both know you're doing the right thing. It's either part of me who dies, or a bunch of innocent people instead. Speaking of which, I never got to say thanks for what you're doing. You're the only one I told about this, and the only one I trust to know about it. I know you can do this."

Dallas dragged one arm across his face and gave a stuttered sigh. "Thanks, Blade. I will do this for you."

And so, we sat there until the moon came up. It looked as mysterious as ever, and to me it seemed to be glowing with power. As it rose above our heads, I turned my gaze to Dallas. "Just remember to not be scared. It's just me, okay? Please don't get freaked out."

He merely nodded at the moon, and I could tell he was distracted. I hope he can do this, I think.

The wolf turned to me. "Well, it's time. We can't stay, otherwise we would only interfere. We hope you and your friend can overcome your inner Wolf. Good luck. You have only one chance, so don't fail yourself." He stalked into the woods, followed by the smaller wolves.

Suddenly, I start to shake. A great pain takes over my body. I grind my teeth out of annoyance and fear. Dallas better do this. Ready or not, the transformation has already started.


I could only stare in fear at Blade. When he cried out in pain, it sounded like a wolf howling at the moon. His clothes began to tear to reveal tufts of black fur. His menacing teeth and claws stretched to about the size of my foot. We probably should have tied him a but looser to the tree, because his massive body had already ripped through the thick rope like tissue paper. Apparently, he still had the human in him, since he looked down at me and exclaimed, "What are you waiting for?! Do it already, before it's too late!"

I had completely forgotten about what I had to do. To my best friend. Hands shaking, I slowly rose the knife to my eye level. "Alright," I said. "Let's finish this." With that, I gripped my hands on the knife and stabbed Blade in the heart as hard as I possibly could. I stumbled back to see the damage I caused.

There was no damage, though. The werewolf's rough skin seemed to spit out the knife and mend the wound in the blink of an eye. I stared in awe at Blade. "Um, what?"

He stared down at me. "Eh?" His furry face was full of worry. "Why didn't it kill me?" He bent over and picked up the knife with his claws. He inspected it, and he suddenly shot up, making me jump. "What was this knife made of, Dallas?"

I thought for a moment. "Uh... Pretty sure iron. Why?"

He shook his head frantically. "Nonono... Dude, silver! You gotta kill werewolves with silver! Haven't you ever watched the movies?"

I looked down, sighing. Only Blade. "Oh... well, I'm sure I got a silver knife in here... Just a second, okay?" I turned my back and walked back to my weapon box.

"No." I turned, confused.

"What? What's wrong? Blade? " He didn't answer. He was on the ground, shivering and mumbling. "No time... No time... Too late! TOO LATE! " He jumped to his feet, still shivering. His gentle eyes had turned red with rage. He bared his teeth crazily. "I'm... gonna. Ah. Hungry..."

I backed away. "Blade? Buddy, control yourself. Don't leave. Focus. " but it was too late for that. What used to be Blade stared violently at me. I gulped. Blade had lost control of his body. Now, it was just me and the Wolf.

Wolf: The Story Of Blade AmbersWhere stories live. Discover now