Chapter 25

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A/N: Sorry this chap is unedited, if it's terrible then I'm sorry-

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"Nice to meet you, I'm Park Sooyoung! I'd like to thank you for taking care of my dog!" The woman deeply bowed in full gratitude whilst carrying her dog in her arms.

For a while, me and Momo arrived in the club and we saw Sooyoung already embracing her dog.

"Yeah, you're welcome," I simply say without any feelings. Momo next to me was close to tears but she held it up. Truthfully, I didn't do anything of the sort, this is all Momo's doing.

"*sniffs* ... *wails in silence* ... *sniffs*" Momo cries.

"My dog only have a year to live... I've made a mistake as an owner to be irresponsible when I intended to bring him with me in this school. So, I asked Ms. Bae for a suggestion and she told me this club will help me find the dog. When I walk in just today, I found my dog and he jumped straight into my arms. Really, I'm so, so thankful for your help a lot!" Sooyoung frantically bowed her head again.

Park Sooyoung, huh? I don't really remember seeing her often in this school but she's not in our class. Probably she's from a higher class than ours, I can't really say much about her.

"Well, it's no trouble. This woman here's been taking care of your dog in your absences," My finger pointed at Momo, who's evidently seen emotional and woeful.

"Really?" Sooyoung's eyes widened. "Then, as for your payment..."

"Uh, I believe we don't accept anything in return," I say, but Sooyoung insisted.

"Don't sweat with it. Here, it's a keychain dog. Take it as my token of gratitude. Momo, please take it, I'm sure my dog is grateful for your kindness too," Sooyoung handed her the small, cute keychain for your phone designs.

Seemingly overwhelmed by what's going on, Momo was hesitant to accept the keychain.

"Will this really be enough?" Sooyoung looks at me.

"Yes, it is. Thank you," I answer for Momo, who's mentally unstable at the moment.

"Well then, we should keep going. Bye bye~!"

With that, in just a blink of an eye, Momo lifts her head to look at the dog one last time but he was already gone with the owner. "Boo..."

"Cheer up, Momoring," I tell her and she was shuddering.

"...ack," Momo mumbles clearly inaudible and I move my ears closer to listen more.


"...Give Boo back to me,"

I let out a sigh of exhaustion, "Listen, it's really pointless. Boo has an owner. You'll just have to let them go now,"

"But... but I can't accept this! Boo... Boo was my stress reliever! Boo was my happiness! I-I don't understand!!" Her voice strained and it broke halfway through her sentence.

She's crying. She's literally crying! Oh no, this turns out to be really...

"BOOO!!!" Momo screams her lungs out, as if she's declaring a bloodthirsty fight and leaves the room to find the owner and her dog.

"Wait, oy!" Dang... why should I be the one to handle this stubborn woman?

Mina is more like a businesswoman, who took work seriously than anything else. Even when she's at home in Saturday, as a teenager, she was supposed to be resting but she helps her Family's business.

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