Chapter 58

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The dish that Mina asked me about was the same one we had during our date.

Of course, I remembered it.

I cherished every second that Mina and I spent together on that day: the penguin show, the aquarium view, and the skywalk.

If I hadn't remembered those moments, then my time with Mina would mean nothing to me.

It always leaves a space in my heart. Whenever I see Mina, she reminds me not to forget it

Don't misunderstood me, damn it. I want to make it clear that this is just a notice, not a reflection of my personal beliefs, alright? It's a gentle reminder that even someone as cool and beautiful as me knows how to savor a precious memories.

When loneliness creeps in, it's natural to reminisce about the joyful moments and yearn for their return. I acknowledge that sentiment, and I can't deny it.

Now, let's consider an intriguing question: Would you find yourself pleading with the person who brought you happiness to spend the rest of your life with you?

In all likelihood, that may not be the case, right?

Because we refrain from being shameless and imposing our desires on them. We understand that it is not our place to determine what is best for others solely for our own benefit.

Lost in contemplation, my phone suddenly rang, piquing the curiosity of the three girls. "Who could that be?" they wondered.

"It's my Mom. She informed me that she's coming with my sister," I replied, engrossed in reading the message.

"You should hurry and go with them," Mina suggested.

"I'm aware of that," I responded, rising from my seat as I finished my meal. "Also..." I called their attention, causing all three of them to gaze at me.

My cheeks reddened slightly, making it difficult for me to maintain eye contact. "Thank you... for spending time with me. I had a great time,"

"Gross... Fun, you said? You weren't really doing much," Momo disagreed, her playful banter coming through.

Mina, ever composed, interjected, "I suppose we'll see each other later, "

"Yeah," I took a few steps away before suddenly returned back. "Oh, Sana. Would you like to come along?"

"Eh?" Sana's eyes widened in surprise. "Wh-what for?"

"Well, it's my Mom and Chaeyoung. They're hoping to see you too," I explained, inadvertently catching the attention of Mina and Momo, who began to raise their eyebrows with curiosity.

"Sh..should I? Hahaha," Sana let out a forced laugh, clearly unsure of how to respond in the presence of Mina and Momo's suspicious gazes.

"Actually, forget it," I said with a hint of coldness, realizing that it might not be the best idea to push Sana into an uncomfortable situation. I turned and headed off to meet with my mom and Chaeyoung.

As the silence settled in, Sana's demeanor returned to its usual self. Mina couldn't help but notice the shift in Sana's energy throughout the day. It seemed like she was putting on a brave front, but deep down, there was still a hint of sadness lurking within her.

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