Chapter 41

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A/N: Sometimes... when I close my eyes, I can't hear anything 😭😭

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The bell rang, and morning exam had ended. I wasn't particularly troubled or anything but today's exam is somewhat difficult. I wished I could've studied harder on math, but English was totally a piece of cake, there was no need for me to review at all.

Then all at once, the air of stressed and relief began flowing through the classroom. There was no afternoon class for today's first day of exam. The students dashed off to their clubs.

I guess must be to prepare for the Festival.

It's lunch time. There's a great spot for me to eat my lunch, which was near the chapel but at this weather, when it rained, I certainly had no place to go.

There might be some students who wished to stay instead of going home.

"Momoring! Let's go to the clubroom," Those words was usually said to me when I was still a member of the Helper's Club.

"Yeah, I'll follow you," Momo nods. She seems really down and completely distressed.

Right now, at that moment, Momo and I still haven't made up. Not sure what's going on with Nako but Momo is affecting me more.

"Mina's already in the clubroom! We're going to study together like last night!" Sana tells.

I should go too... but I have no umbrella and I can't go home, wet. I hate catching colds and I absolutely won't sacrifice my perfect body.

Momo and Sana watches me leave the room first. I didn't turn back to look at them, nor they were trying to approach me. It's almost like, we're complete strangers but with memories.

The four of us... are an incomplete creatures.

I don't like people getting attached to me.

The other one has social anxieties.

One has violent behavior and prideful.

And... the other girl has a bubbly attitude and personality, but... she's very sensitive and get downright emotional.

If the four of us come together...

None of us.... will be happy

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Later, when I went to the library, I bump into Miss Bae. I've arrived an unusual sight of her reading few books in the most peaceful table at the very back. This was supposed to be my place, but she got here first before me.

"Oh, so you're here too, huh? The terrific face who-made-Nako-cry," Miss Bae rested her chin in her hand.

"Is there something you want to say?" I voice differently like I was angry, or ready to fight.


"Okay, I'll leave now," As I turned, she slams a hand in the table quietly and stood.

"Hold it right there, come here," She gestures a finger to approach her and I look at her with disgrace.

"Trying to taunt me with your feminine body? I am not a simp," I raise my brows.

"Let's talk, nothing else. You and me, now,"

"What is there to talk about?" I scoff, turning an eye from her.

"There must be a reason why you're attitude is getting saltier. Just shut up and take a sit,"

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