Chapter 2

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Bella's POV......

This town was beautiful. The complete opposite of muggy, cloudy Forks. I actually saw the sun here.Charlie had bought a house in a friendly neighborhood. It was bigger than our old one with less creeks and groans. Less memories especially. My room had a bed in it and most furniture but a whole bunch of boxes in the corner.

I sighed as I circled the room. It was later in the afternoon and I was absolutely exhausted. I didn't want to sleep though. I was too scared. I don't want to sleep and have the same nightmares. I walked slowly to one of the boxes in the corner and took out my bed comforter. If there was one thing that should be done, it should be the bed. It'll give Charlie more peace of mind.

I decided to go downstairs and unpack the kitchen. Seeing as though I will be the one using it, I think I should be the one to organize it. It was double the size of our old one. For the first time in a while I got a wave of excitement thinking of the things I could make in this kitchen. The feeling almost made me want to cry, it was the first time in a long time where I felt some sort of good feeling.

I got through most of the boxes when I heard the door bell ring.

" I got it!" I yelled to dad who was in the living room setting up his tv. I opened the door to see a girl about my age. She was really pretty with long brown hair and brown eyes.

'' Hi, Can I help you?'' I asked.

'' Hello, I'm Elena. I live right next to you," She said and pointed to her house.

" Oh Hi, I'm Bella. Do you want to come in?" I asked as I opened the door wider.

" Yeah thank you," She said as she walked.

I guess Charlie couldn't handle his curiosity because he paused setting up the tv to come to the door.

"Hello, I'm Elena, I live next door and wanted to invite you guys over for dinner. I know moving must be tiring so my Aunt Jenna is making dinner."

I could see Charlie not wanting to go out and socialize by the look on his face. Luckily Elena didn't notice.

" Actually, I'm pretty beat but Bella, you should go," Charlie said practically pushing me out the door. I panicked internally not really feeling like socializing with people, especially people I didn't know.

" Yes, Bella! You should. We never get anyone new into town and it'll be fun. We could get to know each other," Elena insisted.

I looked at Charlie and could see him hoping I would say yes. As much as I wasn't really feeling it I knew it would mean a lot for him if I went. I really want to make this new town work so if it meant putting myself out of my comfort zone then so be it. I faked a smile.

"Sure," I said. Charlie beamed at my answer and I gave a small smile at him.

"Perfect! Um, the foods not done yet but I can help you unpack before we head over?''

"Oh no no, it's fine really," I said shaking my head.

"No I insist," She said walking further into the house. I closed the door and sighed. I guess I was really going out of my comfort zone.

'' Okay then. Let's go.''

I showed her to my room which really only had my bed made. I was going to finish the rest during the night to avoid sleeping but I guess i'll have to do something else in the meantime.

" I haven't done much in here yet. You really don't have to help," I told her but she was already walking over to the boxes in the room.

" I insist. Do you like the set up the bedroom. We can move some stuff around. I think the dresser should be against this wall and we can put the desk in the corner that way the bed and be right here and you have the window ledge open as extra sitting."

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