Chapter 23

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Bella's POV........
Elijah took me home a little after finishing our conversation. He told me his whole life story after telling me about Elizabeth . I noticed he didn't really like saying her name. He told me about how he and his family became vampires; theres five of them but Klaus has them daggered and in coffins. He told me about how Klaus was a product of an affair and how his father never really loved him. In the hours that I spent with him, I couldn't help but develop pity for his situation. I felt sorry that all of this was happening and to be honest, he didn't seem like the bad guy. I have a feeling that I can trust him. Now I have to worry about talking to Damon and handling the situation.
" Do youwish for me to accompany you when you talk to Damon,'' Elijah offered.
" To be honest, I don't know how to tell him all that you told me. I have a feeling h won't be as considerate,'' I confessed. I opened the door to my house and let him in.
" Here,'' he said as he grabbed my phone, " This is my number. If anything happens let me know."
" Okay, I'll go talk to them tomorrow and I'll call you afterwards.''
He gave me simply nod. I walked him towards the door. He stopped before leaving and grabbed my hand to kiss it.
" Until Next time, Isabella.''
With the blink of any eye he was gone. Well, damn. What and eventful night. I walked upstairs and collapsed on m bed. I was so exhausted that i could sleep for hours. I drifted into sleep as i thought about what Elijah had told me.

I woke up to the sound of my Alarm clock the next day. I groaned as my eyes focused on the light coming from my window. I quickly got up to get ready for school. Ew. School. I wish I could just be over with it but no, a few more months, good thing spring break is next week. How convenient, a whole week off so vampires can kill me. I took a quick shower and walked back into my room. Something caught my eye, there was a small bracelet sitting on my dress with a note.
Another token to for my trust. - E
I brought it to my nose, vervain. He laced it so I couldn't be compelled.I put it on my left hand and examined it. I don't know how Damon will feel about this. I quickly changed and out some minimal Makeup. Mostly to hide the dark circles under my eyes. I drove to school in antisipation. I met Elena and the rest of the girls outside of the school
" Hey," I greeted.
" Hey!'' Caroline greeted as she hugged me.
" Hey, you look tired,'' Bonnie observed.
" Yeah, went to sleep late,'' I said. The bell rang as I said that. The day was pretty much a blur. I couldn't focus on my classes but I did my best. Eventually, it was time to face the music. I called Damon as I drove to his house.
" Hey,'' He answered
" Hey, are you home?'' I questioned.
" Yeah.. Why?''
" I'm on my way.''
" Okay, see you in a bit.''
I ended the call and focused on the road. My hands were sweaty as I got more nervous. I just hope Damon will listen before doing something irrational. I arrived and walked up to the front door. Before I could knock he was already opening the door. He pulled me in and pushed me against the door and kissed me. I immediately responded and wrapped my arms around his neck.
" Hey,'' He said breathless.
" Hi,'' I smiled, " I came to talk to you about something"
He frowned as he focused on my arm.
" Whats that?'' he said as he was about to grab it.I pulled my hand back behind my back.
" Nothing. it involves what I came to talk about actually,'' I explained quickly. Damon looked at me with suspicion as he led me to the couch.
" Okay, tell me. What's it about?''
" Um.. it's about Elijah,'' I muttered as I looked away from his.
" What about him,'' he asked with a clenched jaw.
" You have to promise me that you'll stay calm,'' I pleaded.
" I will not promise anything until you tell me what happened,'' He said sharply. I sighed in defeat. So much for a civil talk.
" Look, Elijah came to my house last night-''
" He what?!" Damon immediately got up from the couch.
" Damon, sit down and let me explain,'' I said as I tried to sit him down.
" You let him in !?"
" Yes-''
" How could have been so stupid?!" He yelled at me.
" Don't you dare raise your voice at me!'' I yelled back.
" What the hell am I suppose to do! I can't believe you let him in to your house. You know how dangerous he is''
" Damon, trust me. Sit down and listen to me,'' I said as I sat him down.
" He came to tell me what his intentions are. He also told me what I am and what he is. I trust the information he told me. He also told me that no harm will come to anyone, including Elena. He wants to kill Klaus, for reason that I think are personal for me to tell you but he wants to kill him. He's on our side, please Damon trust what I am doing,'' I pleaded.
" he's dangerous Bella, I told you I would handle it.''
" This is the only way that I can make sure that no one will be hurt, Damon. You could have gotten yourself killed.''
" Better than selling your soul to the devil,'' He muttered. I gasped
" Damon don't say that. I love you. I want to protect you''
" That's the thing , Bella, I am the one who's suppose to protect you.''
" No one said it was going to be like that. Please. Trust me'' I pleaded.
" Okay so what did he tell you?''
" Well we actually talked all night-"
" Wait, you spent the night with him?"
" Damon, don't say it like that, it sounds wrong,'' I protested.
" Well sorry but this all sounds wrong to me.''
" Anyways,'' I said sternly, " He told me that I am a doppelgänger, descendant from a bitch named Elizabeth. She played him and Klaus the same way Katherine played you and Stefan basically. When iminiturs are turned into vampires they gain the ability of being able to absorb powers of other. She tried to absorb Klaus's hybrid abilities. Elijah was in love with her but Klaus tore her heart out when he found about her betrayal. Klaus is obsessed with his hybrid abilities and stops anyone who gets in his way. He is hiding his family somewhere, he scattered them in the ocean and Elijah values family more than anything. He wants to kill Klaus for what he did to their family.''
" I still don't get how you're involved."
" He wants to use me to lure Klaus into a trap where he will kill him. He didn't tell me exactly how but he will find a way to stop him before he is able to do the sacrifice and kill Elena."
" So he wants to use you as bait,'' he said with a clenched jaw. I grimaced.
" Well kind of but-"
" That's not fucking happening!'' He stood up again and paced. I stood up and followed him with my eyes.
" Damon, he promised me that no harm would come to anyone''
" And you trust him?!'' He said incredulously.
" Yes," I said firmly. " If he wanted to kill me he would have done so last night."
Damon flinched when I said this. I guess he didn't think about how I could be dead right now. I raised my hand as I neared him and touched his cheek.
" Just trust that I know what i'm doing,'' I said softly. His eyes focused on the bracelet again.
" What the fuck is that,'' He tried to grab it before I could move my hand and it burned him. He hissed.
" Elijah gave it to me... to protect me from his compulsion, as a way to earn trust."
" Great! Now he's giving you jewelry.Lets just all exchange friendship bracelets and fuck around why don't we,'' He said exasperatedly as he threw his hands up.
" Damon, it's not like that,'' I protested.
"Bella, you said so yourself. He was in love with Elizabeth. A chick that looks exactly like you, you don't think so of those feelings have resurfaced and perhaps he likes you in a-romantic way!?"
" No I don't. Elijah is a respectable man and I don't think he's like that. I trust him and I believe you should too. He's a good man who's doing the right thing,'' I said firmly.
" Well it's nice to know you think so fondly of me so soon,'' A voice said from behind us.

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