Chapter 27

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Bella's POV....
" Come on!"  I whined.
" No , Bella,'' Damon answered uninterested as he looked through his phone.
" Pretty pretty pleeeaassseee,'' I dragged out. I Jumped up and down next to him. He continued to ignore me. I got on top of him and continued to jump.
" Please, Please, Please," I whined. He groaned
" This would be so much better if we were naked.''
I stopped and pouted.
" Come on Damon,''
" Bella, I am not going to let you compel me,'' Damon said. I pouted again.
" Come on, let me have a little fun.. then maybe later we both can have a little fun...together...naked,'' I whispered the last words in his ear.''
" Fine,'' He threw his hands up. I squealed in excitement.
" Okay how do i do this?'' I asked.
" He have to look in my eyes and say what you want me to do but you have to look inside of me and have me picture doing it.''
" Okay Okay, I got this,'' I convinced myself. I looked in his eyes
"Tell me a secret,'' I said simply.
" Elijah is in love with you,'' He said monotone as his pupils dilated. I broke the compulsion.
" What!?"
I pushed him away.
" Why would you say that. Of all the thing you could have confessed,'' I said exasperatedly.
" SorryI couldn't help-it, but I mean its true, look at the way he looks at you,'' He threw his hands up.
"  I can't believe you're still with that.''
" Think about it, He has. Always been i love with he same girl, even after she died, and all of a sudden a new girl appears that looks exactly like her only with-a personality that is like 100 times better,''
" Oh yeah?'' I said bitterly, I got up from the bed and started to put my shoes back on. He looked at me confused.
" You seem to know the feeling very well, Damon, is that how you felt when you looked at Elena?"
Realization spread through his face as he looked down. I shook my head
" I thought so,''I turned around and walked towards the door.
" No, Bella, Wait!" He yelled. It was too late. I was already out the door running away, faster than him.I ran until I found myself in the middle of town square. I slowwly walked toa bench and sat down. I put my face in my hands tryng to make some sense out of everything.
" Lovely night isn't it,'' Someone said.I sat up startled. I looked to my riht to see a man sitting on the next bench.
" Sorry, love, did't mean to startle you,'' He said. I couldn't see his face since it was too dark.
" No, its fine. I better get going,'' I said standing up slowly.
" Aw what's the rush, love. Don't worry I don't bite."
" No, it nothing, I'm just tired,'' I said trying to get away. I turned around ready to run when he appeared right infront of me. I gasped and took a step back.
" Easy there, love, Where do you think you're going?''
" Who are you?'' I said backing up.He walked towards me.
" My my my, you look just like her,''
" But Im not,'' I said quickly, " I'm not her.''
" Oh I know you're not.''
His eyes started to morph and veins started to form with golden eyes. I was suddenly grabbed by someone running. I couldn't make out where we were going; it was all so fast. I screamed as he ran with me.
" Isabella,'' The man called. I stopped screaming. I opened my eyes to find myself in my room standing in front of Elijah. I didn't realize I was gasping for air until he grabbed on to my shoulders.
" Please calm down. Breathe,'' He said.
" He- he, that man.. His eyes,'' I gasped. I felt my eyes begin to water and bottom lip quiver. I rushed into his chest and hugged him for dear life. He was taken back at first but he slowly wrapped his arms around me.
" Nobody is going to hurt you. I swear,'' he promised. I pulled my head back to look at him.
" Who was he?"
" That was Niklaus,'' He said slowly. I looked at him confused.
" But I thought, he didn't know about me,'' I said.
" Niklaus has a lot of people who want to be on his good side, someone must have seen you. I have no idea.'' He concluded. I pulled away from him and paced the room.
" He could have killed me,'' I whispered.
" I would never let him hut you,'' he said sternly.I stopped to look at him. I walked closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him tight.
" You have no idea how grateful I am. Thank you. Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you.''
" You have nothing to thank me for,'' He assured.
" How- How did you know where I was, or that I was in danger?"
" Niklaus came to my house first, right after you left...."
Elijah's Flashback....
" I didn't peg you for the type to fall for the same girl, Brother''
" Niklaus,'' I addressed.
" In the flesh, Now, it seems that you have been quiet busy in this old town. You seem to have found yourself a new friend. Care to share with the class?''
" How did you find out,'' I asked.
" Oh you know, a little birdie may have told me something, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that there is an Elizabeth Doppleganger, and I bet she is also an Imintuer ,'' He smirked.
" Don't you dare touch her,'' I growled.
" Ooh, hit a nerve did I? Mmm, I wonder just how powerful she is, her capability, she is the perfect person to break my curse,''  He thought out loud.
" She would never do it,'' I said. He got up and walked towards me.
" Maybe not first but i'm sure that must be someone that she doesn't want me to kill that she'll be willing to sacrifice herself for.''
" If you touch her friends or family she'll only try to kill you,'' I said smugly. His smirk went away.
" There must be someone, she won't take the risk, a brother, sister, mother, father, lover,''He smirked. My face fell. He laughed.
"Oh dear brother, you have some competition huh, aahh the pity, guess you won't mind when I kill her,'' He said.
" You touch her and I swear to god you will not live to see another day,'' I growled. He smirked.
" Oh brother, you might want to be more careful next time,'' He smirked. I look at him confused by what he was saying. The next thing I knew he grabbed me by the neck and everything went dark.

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