Chapter 22

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Bella's POV....
Elijah had brought me to a house in the middle of the woods. Why does everything happen in the woods!?
" Where are we?'' I asked.
" Still in mystic falls,'' He answered evasively. Great. What an amazing answer.
" You know being evasive doesn't hep with this whole trust thing,'' I said as he walked ahead. He turned around and stopped before in front of  the door.
"This was my old home." He answered as he opened the door and walked in.
" No invitation,'' I observed.
" I am dead after all,'' he said. He turned on a few lights. The house looked older but full of character. It didn't look abandoned at all. It was actually very beautiful. He pointed towards a couch.
" Take a seat,'' he said. I sat down, very tense. He walked over to a table and poured a drink.
" Would you like something,'' he asked.
" Um... no... thank you,'' I murmured. He sat down on a near by chair and looked at me. I looked around awkwardly .
" So...." I trailed off.
" You just forgive me for staring, it's just you look so much like her,'' He said as he looked down.
"Look, there really isn't a point of lying.  I talked to Katherine and she told me some stuff. She told me about Elizabeth and her death,'' I said. He flinched when I mentioned her name.
" Yes, I imagined so. Katherine doesn't know the whole story,'' He claimed.
" Tell me,'' I pressed, then added, " Please?''
" Elizabeth was a very... unique person. She was very beautiful, had everyone at her feet, including me and my brother. She was a very powerful vampire. Her bloodline is unique, when mixed with vampire blood it transforms them. Her family had the unique gift of becoming what is called an imitantur, it's basically latin for Copycat. I presume her origin came from witches many years ago. They were basically designed to keep another type of vampire in check, the cold ones.''
Edward, I thought. He must of noticed a flash of knowing in my face.
" You seem to know who I was talk about,'' He observed.
" Yeah.. well.. I kind of ... dated one.. a while.. ago,'' I trailed off. I saw his jaw clench.
" Anyways, she was designed to copy the gifts that these Cold ones obtain when turned. The cold one were basically a science experiment gone wrong. The people that created them wanted to make sure that they were never powerful than anyone else They created the imitanturs to have them 'copy' the cold ones power so in case of an emergency when they needed to fight, they would equally as strong."
" So they absorb their power?" I questioned.
" Not necessarily absorb, copy. The cold ones still have their power, they just simply copy it,'' He clarified.
" I'm still confused,'' I said.
" She basically came to our castle by accident, we actually found her and she decided to stay. She developed a liking for my brother and me. Imitanturs don't just absorb Cold ones powers, they absorb  any power. She was using us so she could absorb our  original vampire powers. She of course  wanted Niklaus's hybrid powers.  She played us, Made me fall in love with her. She would come to my chambers after spending hours in his. It caused a bit of a sibling rivalry between us. She enjoyed that very much. She was very selfish. She did not deserve the power that she had. I was blind with love and I didn't see what was happening. Klaus realized it before I did and killed her. In front of me, he tore her heart from heart chest. We thought her bloodline ended with her.. but here you are, sitting before me. SO obviously, we thought wrong."
" But, i'm no vampire. I don't have any powers that you say. I don't understand why i'm useful to you.''
" Klaus has been trying to break the curse for many centuries now, as you already know Katherine was his only chance, now Elena. Rumors are stating to spread about her.. but not of you. You'll be levergae."
" Leverage for what?''
" Bringing him here and not killing Elena.''
" Whoah! You want to use me as bait?!'' I asked stadnign up. He stood up as well and tried to sit me down.
" Call it what you want. I do not wish for Klaus ot break this curse. I wish to kill him," he said simply.
" You want to kill your brother? Your own blood?" I said in disbelief.
"Klaus took my family from me. He stabbed them with a dagger that doesn't allow them to wake up and scattered them in the ocean," he said witch hard eyes. I felt sympathy for him. I scooted closer towards him and grabbed his hand.
" I'm sorry this happened to you," I murmured.
" Thank you, Bella. I appreciate you sincerity. You have no idea how different you are from Elizabeth yet so similar at the same time"
" yeah, Katherine said I was her doppelgänger," I muttered dropping his hand.
" Indeed," he murmured as he stated at his hand.
" So what do you want me to do?"
" Niklaus will make an appearance some time soon. I want us to stage a meet up where we will pretend to trade you in exchange for not doing the sacrifice. Thus, protecting Elena and the rest from dying. When we meet I will have a witch perform a spell that will trap his body, in a way kill him as if he had a dagger through his heart."
" I keep hearing daggers. What exactly are they?" I asked in confusion. He stood up and walked towards a book shelf. He pulled a box from the shelf and set it in-front of me on the coffee table. He opened it to reveal an antique dagger along will a small bottle.
" This dagger was created by a witch and this bottle is full of the ashes from the White oak tree from which we were created. You dip the dagger and stab it into our hearts and we die. That is, until someone pulls it out of us. We can only fully die with a stake made from the white oak which no longer exists."
He pulled it out and twirled it in his hand.
" Why are you showing it to me?"
" To demonstrate trust. Only a human can use the dagger. I am going to trust you with this information as a way to earn your trust. Do what you wish with it."
" You are so desperate to kill Klaus to avenge for your family that you resort to trusting me. A person you barely met," I said in disbelief.
" I may have just met you but I know that I can 100% trust you," he said as he stared at me. I nodded
" Okay, I'll help you, but you must promise me that all of my friends and family will me safe. I don't care what happens to me as long as they are safe."
" I give you my word"

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