Chapter 44

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Bella's POV...
5 months later...
" Damon!''
" What, Lady wants to go outside!''
" Well open the door!''
I glared at the doorway. I was five months pregnant and getting up was painful. This child pressed onto my cervix every step I took which made it painful to do anything. Now this bitch wants be to get up. Unbelievable. Damon slowly walked into the room with his hands up in surrender. I continued glaring.
" Sorry, I meant I'll go open the door.''
I smiled smugly as he opened the back door to let Lady out to do her business. I was currently opening a box that was sent to the house. A big box I might add. It didn't say who it was from so I plopped myself with a knife on nthe couch and proceeded to open it. Inside laid the most beautiful crib I had ever seen. It looked to be carved from wood to delicately. It was overall so beautiful. I gasped as it came into view. There was a letter attached to the side.
I wish you nothing but the best for you and your family. I know this baby will be born blessed to have you as their wonderful mother. - E
I hadn't spoken to Elijah since he left. I had some phone calls with Rebekah but we never talked about her brother. Klaus only sent in one of his hybrids once a month to collect Elena's blood if he needed it. This was the first I had heard from him in five months. I smiled as I looked at the crib again. It was the one thing we had not gotten yet for the baby. It was perfect.
" Damn, it's perfect,'' Damon vocalized. I nodded in agreement.
" Can you take it to the nursery?''
" Of course.''
He gave me a light peck on the cheek before taking it upstairs. I let out a deep breathe as I made myself comfortable on the couch again.

I had moved in soon after I found out I was pregnant. Charlie wasn't too thrilled at first but came to accept the fact that I was getting married and I was having a baby. He loves Damon so now he isn't bothered at all. He's exited for his little fishing partner to be born already. I got my GED right away and finished high school. I didn't want to deal with having to go to high school while being pregnant so I did it all online.

I tried to do more research on what the baby would be since it's father was a vampire and mother a vampire/witch but from what I could see, it would be pure iminatur. Human until turned into a vampire. It didn't matter though, I loved it no matter what it was.
Today I had an appointment to find out the gender today which I couldn't wait for. Damon wanted a girl but I suspected it was a boy.
" Baby are you ready for the appointment,'' Damon yelled.
" Yes! Hurry up!"
" Do you need me to carry you?''
" Yes, please.''
Damon's leg wouldn't stop bouncing up and down next to me which was making me more nervous.
" Damon, if you do not stop moving you leg I will compel you to cut it off,'' I threatened. He stopped immediately and began fiddling with his fingers. I sighed as I held his hands in mine.
" Bella?'' The nurse call. I grimaced as I sat up and walked towards the nurse. Damon Held my hand while also supporting my back with the other.
" Ready to find out the gender?''
" Yes,'' I said eagerly. The doctor put the gel on my stomach and stared at the screen as she moved the tool around.
" Okay... it's a... girl! Congratulations!"
" I told you,'' Damon said leaning in to kiss me. I rubbed the top of my stomach with a big smile on my face.
" A girl,'' I sighed.

" Soo.. don't keep me waiting! What is it?'' Charlies asked eagerly. I grabbed Damon's hand in mine with a bi smile on my face.
" Its a girl.''
" Really?! Congrats guys,'' Charlies said giving us a big hug.

We stayed with my dad for a while longer until it began to get dark out. We drove hope in comfortable silence. I began to close my eyes exhausted from the long day. I didn't even realize when we got home or when Damon picked me up from the car and laid me down. I couldn't help but smile as I felt Damon lay down but not before planting a kiss on my belly.
The next day we had our friends over to announce the gender of the baby.
" Omg a girl! A beautiful flower girl for your wedding!'' Caroline squealed. I laughe dat her exciteent.
"Yes, I hope you include her in your plans for our wedding. We know that you will be the best wedding planner,'' I told her.
" Obviously, I already started planning and reserving everything,'' Caroline said.
" I'm happy for you brother,'' Stefan said patting Damon on the shoulder.
" So does this mean I can be Aunt Elena?''
" And me Aunt Bonnie?''
" Don't forget about Auntie Caroline!''
I laughed at their excitement as we all discussed the baby and our future wedding. Life couldn't get better.
4 months later...
" I hate you! I swear you will never touch me again!'' I yelled at Damon as I felt another contraction. He just nodded and held my hand.
" The baby's coming! Push.''
I screamed in pain as I gave one final push until I heard the cry of a baby. I let out a deep breathe. The doctor handed the baby to Damon first. He held her so gently, afraid he might hurt her. I saw tears pool in his eyes but he pushed them back. I smiled at the sight.
" She's perfect.''
He carefully placed her against my chest. She was perfect. the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Raven black hair, porcelain ski, and icy blue eyes just like her father. I let out a few tears fall as I kissed her head.
" I love you."

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