the other way

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This is Just a Other way of the members found out that I had In my mind for so long. So I really wanted to write it 😊.

*so Here the members didnt know yet*
This one was yet when Yoongi didn't know either

You can skip!!

Today was a chill day for the idols.
Their mornings started later than ussuall, since there was no schedule.

So like always Yoongi and Jin started to make lunch while The rest of the members are doing their own thing.

But today Hoseok wanted to help to.

Jin on the other hand has been struggling the whole morning to not slip.

Since Jimin and Taehyung scolded him for being a 'bad boy' and not listening to them his little self got upset. So to make it better he decided not to slip in space. For three reasons today.

1. The members are Home for the whole day today (no privacy).

2. Jimin Isn't home, leaving him alone with taehyung. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad!

3. Taehyung is to busy playing Games with Jungkookie to be able to give Jinnie the attention he badly needs right now.

I don't like this one bit Jin pouts while stiring the pot. "Hyung you okay?" His thoughts quickly get interrupted by the voice of the Dancer, he looks at his side where the Rapper is staring at him while holding a pile (stack? Idk..) of plates.

"Yes I am. Why?"

"Well you've been pouting and stiring the soup for like 4 minutes" Hoseok Laughs carrying the plates to the table before spreading them around.

"Oh" the comment brought a blush to his cheeks. "Sa-saw-so-sorry.." he stumbles through his words making the two rappers in the kitchen laugh loudly.

"Excuse me are you two laughing at the person who FEEDS you?!" The older playfully naggs at them making them chuckle. Hoseok playfully throwing his hands in the air while the older rapper just turns around muttering a 'Ofcourse not' but a smile is still visible on his face.

"Tch better not" Jin playfully rolls his eyes before turning of the heat and bringing the pot with Hot Tomato soup to the Dining table.

After the table is set with soupbowls and spoons, Plates and a Big pan of soup with a smaller pan of rice on the side. The members got called in.

And after 5 minutes all of them are gathered around the round table. Well all the members besides Jimin..and Jin kind of felt sad about it.

First it was because he isn't sure if Jimin will eat or if he has to safe for Jimin Later. He decided he should.

And second? Jin misses his Buba.

Jimin always tries to Baby Jin while they're at the table and eating together. Even though Jin whines and shows he clearly doesn't want to he secretly does like it.

"Jinnie-hyung, you spilled" Jin gets pulled out of his thoughts again. Only to meet with a napkin slowly wiping his face, specifically the spots he had messily dirtied. A boxy smile plastered on the face behind the Napkin.

Jin's eyes sparkle at the younger's action and he gulps,  finding it extra hard not to giggle at the younger.

"Tha-thank you" Jin smiles kindly at The Younger who then returned To his Food.

The 7 brothers then Go on eating their meals in silence. Some talks here and There, but mostly they just enjoy being in each other's company. 

Jin Rather wants to have conversations Cause when there is silent he just feels sad.

♡~Little seokjinnie~♧ (×LittleJimin)Where stories live. Discover now