stormy night

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    ¨Jiniie, do you want to get ready for bed with buba??¨ Jimin asked sweetly at the little.
¨nuhh¨ jinnie mumbled and went on watching his movie. Tonight he is watching 101 dalmatiers. His new favorite movie.

Jimin looked at the time and sighed, it´s almost 1am and he is exhausted. They all are, but the other members already went to bed, well..almost all. Jungkook and Hoseok were still at the company practicing.

practice. practice. practice. that´s all they´ve been doing the past 6 weeks. I mean, they´re about to drop a whole album!! obviously they gotta practice! cause music..award shows..concerts and all of that. They love it. really. sometimes jimin does wish for a break, even if it is just a small one.

jinnie has been out since they arrived home, which was like 4 hours ago. He´s been little ever since, only the others do not know since he still has a habit of only slipping in private or with his bubba. speaking about his buba...

¨prince, come on..¨ he grabbed the remote and put the movie on play, resulting in a loud scream ¨uba, No!!¨ the smaller whined and started kicking his feet. Jimin just rolled his eyes and kneeled infront of him, he grapped the smaller by the shoulders and tried to search for his eyes. ¨prince look at me...¨


¨jinnie..look at me¨

¨ẅoef woef!! wan!!¨

¨stop yelling.¨



The maknae yelled, resulting in getting a sippy cup thrown at him, hitting him right on the head. ¨seokjinnie¨ he lowered his voice and stared at the smaller.

the tiny looked at him with a mad (very pouty) face. His cheeks flushed as his bottom lip puckered out. His once combed hair was all over the place and his eyebrows were furrowed. He stared up at Jimin with big angy eyes. Jimin sighed, he couldn´t stay mad with such a cute baby infront of him. but he knew that he should give the little conseqounces...The little has been acting more and more bratty these days. especially to the other members.

Jimin kneeled back down infront of the smaller, with a stern gaze on his face, he held the blue bubble guppie sippy cup up and looked at the angry but guilty looking little. ¨it is not nice to hit Jinnie-NO!!¨ the smaller grumbled, turning his body around and crossing his arms. Jimin sighed, ¨jinnie. look at diminie¨ he said, softening his voice just a little bit. The bratty boy didn´t budge at all, but his breathing did seem calmer.

in order to gain more of jinnie´ś attention Jimin decided to sit down criss-cross apple sauce on the floor. He gave both of them some minutes to calm down. Jinnie so he can calm down for being angry, and maybe he will listen better if so. and himself so he can think of a better way to handle this situation, he needs a moment.

the two just stayed silent for awhile. Jimin just staring at Jinnie for awhile. deep in thought. while Jinnie just fummed where he sat, occasionally he´d glance at the maknae, giving him his meanest gaze before he turned back to picking at the carpet. His eyes focussed while his lips pouted. Making Jimin secretly smile thinking of him doing exactly that while focussing on something.

he took a deep breathe and decided to try again.



The maknae sighed and plopped face down on his bed, letting out a soft breathe when his body collided with his freshly washed duvet that felt so nice on his smoothe skin. He quickly crawled under the covers and rubbed his feet together in content. Today exhausted him, and tomorrow is gonna be even more exhausting.
it took him a bit of coaxing and sweet talk and cuddles to finally put the little tosleep, after abit of crying the smaller finally agreed to going to his room. So The maknae brought him there, gave him his glass of milk and shared a pack off cookies. The smaller was stillvery whiney during bedtime. but after some snuggles and reading Alladin he finally fell asleep. That left jimin thankfull. He could finally shower and sleep too.

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