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I am going insane. It is so crazy how much Rika and Michael are in love with each other. In fact, they are going to get married. I was expecting it, we all were. They look happy so if they are, so am I. They deserve each other. They have been waiting for this their whole life, it was about time if you ask me.

Will and I have been doing great. We make love almost every night and when we do, we do it more than once. I am addicted to him and he's addicted to me. We're like magnets. We are glued together. I've got a little scar on the side of my belly because of fucking Trevor but Will said I look even more badass. I know I am hot but badass? Will is too good to me.

I have another scar but for once, I love it. Trevor's dead. Guess who won motherfucker. Oh, that's right, he can't. He's dead. I have been completely in love with Will, still haven't told him though. My life is a mess and I need to do something. I can't just stick here and wait for all of them to come back and play. I can't do it. Will is often with Kai, training.

I asked if I could come once and when I did, it just ended up by Will and I macking it in the locker room.  Kai banned me from coming again. So, here I am. In Michael's penthouse, bored to death. Simply for my own amusement, I have started to watch the causes of the fucking WW1. I learn fast and I have time, don't I? Although, I hate documentaries.

Rika is always off to school and I have thought about going but I don't have enough credits. Luke placed me in a high school after the accident. It was bullshit but I got my diploma.

The goal was so if this went to shit, I would have a plan B. Well, it went to shit but not for me. I can't just ignore him I know he'll show up at some point. But, I am enjoying this. I know I am in denial. Fuck that. I am such a mess. I close my laptop and grunt on Will's bed. I stare at the ceiling wondering how the fuck did I make it to now? I have to do something. It's not like I am on lockdown. Yes, Damon is still out there and he's a threat. I can defend myself.

Kai has been helping me learn more self-defense stuff. I tried with Will but of course, we only end up staring at each other and Kai has to pull him off of me. We are drugs. I can't help it if I am so hot, the same goes for him. My dear Kai needs to get laid.

Will and I have been joking about it but at some point, he told me he'd love to fuck me. I turned to Will, stunned. He winked at me and I twisted my head back to him. I grinned and walked out. What was I supposed to say? We never talked about it again but every time we train, we do get a sort of tension. He's better than me so when he flips me on my back, he gets on top of me. Our lips are inches away, he brushes them together, and then he helps me back on my feet. He doesn't always do this but I know he's testing me. Am I loyal to his best friend? Do I deserve him? Despite what he can believe, I am loyal to Will, to all of them. He is hot, I will admit that. Who am I kidding? They are all hot.

''Avery?'' someone knocks on the door. I take a pillow and scream in it. I am not dumb, I know who it is. I hear the door open and when I take the pillow off my face, Alex and Rika are standing in the door frame. Rika has her eyebrows raised and Alex is smirking. We haven't talked about when we hooked up. She's been hanging around here a lot and we're sort of friends. She probably noticed how Will and I are close. That's why she's backed off. But, I believe she hasn't truly backed off. It's alright, I still think she's fucking hot.

''Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed?'' Rika jokes. I sit up and throw the pillow at her. She catches it and carefully puts it on Will's drawer, too carefully.

''Awn. Are you talking about yourself?'' I argue. Alex giggles and Rika shakes her head. I love pissing her off. Think about it, friendly sister relationship.

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