4 : The capital town

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An actual motor-engine vintage car, which was seen very less in use—only by the nobles and royalties—was organised by Eva to bring us to the capital. A vintage motor car, navy blue coloured with some white vertical stripes. The journey was long; going from the borders of a nation to almost the centre. But, the beauty, the shine of the car and the strong roaring sounds of its engine made us ignore its age.

We departed at four in the evening from the main street of the town. The driver was assigned by the organisation and informed us, the car won’t take us to the exact destination. As it’s a private place. But he respectfully explained the way to the location, given by Charlotte Rose. We rested ourselves on the cosy cushions of the back seat and the car started moving outside Zora.

My eyes went towards William’s face, to notice, his eyes glancing at the setting sun. His expressions are something I’d fail to describe in words. Kind of serious, kind of calm. I tried ignoring it for some time and looked out of the window until my mind dragged me back to his face.

“You look serious,” I said, “Might I ask, what are you thinking about?”

“Nothing you should bother about, actually.” He calmly said. “Though, would you mind telling me, what age am I, again?”

With a curious face, I answered, “Eighteen. . . and a half, I guess? Why would you ask?”

My question probably missed his ears, as he did not respond. His eyes kept looking at the setting sun on the horizon.

“William... you okay?”

My voice snapped him back from his thoughts and he turned toward me. “Ah— I am,” he said, “I was just thinking about something. Nothing important, honestly.”

He said, and noticing his hesitation, I left the subject. It was a long night's journey and my body already felt tired. I closed the window on my side, stopping the chilly cold winds from rushing towards me and rested my head back, on the seat.

I still remember, as we approached the beautiful lake on the way, William requested to stop the car for a break and took a sketching book out of the bag he was carrying. He used car headlights as a light source, and sketched a beautiful half-submerged moon inside the big lake, with the different colours of pencils he was carrying. Soon, we left the place, and after a few more hours of a journey through mountains and green farms, the vehicle finally reached the borders of the massive lake.

In the secluded lands of the nation, was situated the beautiful city of Amber’s, the capital. Situated on the island in the very middle of the massive lake, with two broad bridges on the opposite sides, connecting it to the main lands.

Though the city had its name-- ‘Amber’s’, named after the wife of the first duke, being home to the royal house, it was always referred to as the Capital. Due to some private reasons, we had restrictions. The car driver apologised to us and left us away from the capital town. After some time of walking, and crossing the massive south bridge, we finally made it to the Capital town.

As the name suggests, it was a nation’s Capital. The streets were full of other types of vehicles and were crowded with different shops. Even after an accurate explanation from the driver. It was a huge and beautiful place. The shops were brightly lit up with bright yellowish-white lamps. There was a decent crowd on the road. Many kids were running around, many shops were selling their goods. And, I could notice many happy faces, even though it was noisy and crowded.

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